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tsrines t1_iu5k6bu wrote

Mmm, arts art man. Pretty sure a public company wouldn't be doing NFTs if it was a scam.


haaiiychii t1_iu5l9fd wrote

Art had existed for thousands of years without the need for NFTs.

This is GameStop, they'll do anything for a profit. NFTs are a scam.


tsrines t1_iu5ld3x wrote

Counterfeiting art has also existed for as long :) Power to the creators.


haaiiychii t1_iu5mtwo wrote

NFTs don't help in the slightest, that's why they're a scam.

You can "own" an NFT without owning the copyright, so you don't actually own anything. The NFT can be right clicked and saved.

NFTs are a scam.


tsrines t1_iu5n1yy wrote

NFTs are just smart contracts. So you are saying that whiskey makers who are relying on smart contracts for authenticity believe it is a scam? What about that reddit avatar you might wanna buy with your VISA/MC. Well its an NFT. Nicely done


haaiiychii t1_iu5nd4g wrote

It's still a scam. Buying an NFT offers no extra protection than selling the copyright with a receipt.

I could sell you an NFT, but sell the same art with a different number to 10 other people, who owns the art? Me, because the copyright would be mine.

If I sold the copyright and gave a receipt to the buyer they own it.

NFTs are a scam.


tsrines t1_iu5ns2e wrote

What if OP wanted to sell the work as a collection. If I paid for his collection and it wasn't on Blockchain, how can I prove that the digital art is indeed part of the collection. Any thoughts, digitally, on how copyright can help in that regard?


haaiiychii t1_iu5qawi wrote

That's what receipts are for, a receipt would say every art piece in a collection.

But again, the NFT doesn't mean you own the art, you would "own" the NFT, it doesn't mean you own the copyright to the art.

NFTs are a scam.

You should educate yourself on what an NFT is because you clearly don't understand.


tsrines t1_iu5thij wrote

NFTs and block chain are the future. You're on a .gif subreddit trying to convince me and this OP, who is talented, that they shouldn't look at NFTs to have an additional revenue stream. It's a GIF...he can mint an NFT and put it on for like pennies. And someone will buy that. Guaranteed. You, are uneducated. You can read it I'm living it. Keep paying for digital items behind walled gardens.


haaiiychii t1_iu5udi9 wrote

OP can sell art without using a scam like NFTs, they help neither the buyer or the seller.

They're a scam.

It's amusing you're trying to claim I'm uneducated yet you've fallen for the crypto bro scam.

Educate yourself on them, you clearly don't know enough about art, or NFTs. Are you 13? Here's more info on them for you


tsrines t1_iu5u4r8 wrote

This is research done by a museum ROFL. They have so much to lose in a metaverse space. Anyways over and out