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Minuted t1_iufn1kn wrote

Dragonflies are rad. Seriously look them up they're rad as heck.


splittingheirs t1_iugfzl1 wrote

Apparently right at the top of the list for successful predators. Their rate of success per hunting attempt leaves pretty much all other predators for dead by a wide margin. They've been around for over 300 million years (way longer than the dinosaurs) and remain almost completely unchanged from that time, such is their physical perfection in their ecological niche.


Cyber_Amoeba t1_iug9kow wrote

Anyone else have “Flight of the Valkyries” playing in their heads?


AFXTIWN t1_iuetark wrote

I'm waiting for an actual dragon to swoop in and chomp


zoinkability t1_iugebxo wrote

I remember being under a huge number like this one time, and it felt like it was lightly raining. I think it was tiny urea crystals (their pee, which is dry) but I’m not an entomologist.


hoodoochild t1_iugl6zp wrote

I just learned the really big ones migrate down south every year!


madmart07 t1_iugluhl wrote

Get an umbrella my friend, it's gonna pour


Austin83powers t1_iujm1gk wrote

I'd never seen this before until a couple of months ago. We'd gone to the park and it was a bit eerie because there were way more birds than normal and they kept swooping down. As we got closer, we realised they were attempting to catch one of many dragonflies zooming round the park. Didn't look like the birds were having any luck at all!

A few kids were trying to chase them but my son and I soon realised that if you just stand still, one will eventually fly right by you. I love dragonflies!