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ZerngCaith t1_iuoituz wrote

Why though :(


n-some t1_iup3u4r wrote

He wanted cabbage and he was mad that the other orangutan got cabbage before he did.


NorvalMarley t1_iup5th9 wrote

Looks like he had cabbage in his mouth already :(


n-some t1_iup6jqb wrote

In that case, the other person who replied to you is right and he's just a jerk


Ringosis t1_iuqr2dm wrote

Orangutans share 97% of their DNA with humans. Just saying.


bushi2 t1_iupbig3 wrote

Looks like he’s a larger perhaps older male. Might’ve gotten agitated at the lesser one getting food from his podium and meant to remove competition for more cabbages.


Delta6245 t1_iuqfegd wrote

Same reason some kid pushed me off a slide in preschool and broke my arm, he's an asshole.


IAmTheToastGod t1_iur2okn wrote

A lot of primates have a hierarchy. The higher on the hierarchy the earlier you get food. If the primate was lower on the hierarchy and got food first there can be violence, but they are also smart so it could be jealousy or just being a dick.