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J0n__Snow t1_iurcjsg wrote

He is not fascinated... he just wants to grab this weird looking branch.


TheClayroo t1_iurgv3a wrote

Ya my roommate had a chameleon. They will always try to climb higher. If you keep putting a hand above the other it'll just keep climbing.


carcigenicate t1_iutxz5g wrote

This is common for lizards in general in my experience. Uros I've had will always try to climb onto you if they're running around the floor, and will try to jump onto your head if you put them close enough (which ends with their ass right on your face).


bloodfist t1_iv2bm4f wrote

There's a similar thing with mice and rats where if you just keep putting one hand flat in front of the other, they'll run to the next hand and you can make a little hand-over-hand treadmill for them. It's a fun little game and keeps them from jumping down or climbing all over you.

I've occasionally had it work with lizards. Especially fast little guys like anoles and fence lizards.


phred_666 t1_iurl7es wrote

Yep. Basic instinct to climb. To him, the stream looks just like another branch to climb. Probably going “WTF? Why can’t I grab this branch?”.


4tehlulzez t1_iuse9a6 wrote

OP didn't claim chameleon is fascinated, just that it can't enough of it.


hiimred2 t1_iut54fv wrote

Literally cannot get enough of it. Damn water just keeps slipping through his grip, he’s got nothing but a wet hand!!!


Roofong t1_ivb1117 wrote

> just that it can't enough of it.

You're being disingenuous. "Can't get enough of" implies thorough enjoyment or preoccupation and desire for more of something. OP anthropomorphized the creature to a silly degree and you feel compelled to run dishonest cover for some odd reason.


dandaman1983 t1_iurx4he wrote

lol that was my first thought, he's not the smartest fellow, wants to climb


TheW0lvDoctr t1_iuswh5j wrote

The stream looks too consistent. I know chameleon's and I believe some other lizards have a problem with standing water and need to have running water (usually in the form of circulating waterfall bowls). He probably doesn't see it as water but as a branch or just a column


Wizchine t1_iuv7t2z wrote

Yep, and when he gets close to reaching the faucet, the person holding him lowers him so he can't reach it.


Jamesyroo t1_iurfghy wrote

Me irl checking the temperature of the shower before I jump in


poptartjake t1_iurersb wrote

Drip > running tap. Loved my chameleons to death, and they loved their shower time. <3


furiousfran t1_iusasf5 wrote

"The fuck's wrong with this weird-ass clear branch??"


5x99 t1_iuvy1pn wrote

This. I got frustrated just from seeing this


IndianaGeoff t1_iur98et wrote

It's not every day that you discover the source of all water. He will be famous if only he can escape from this alien's trap.


coyote-1 t1_iurgbtc wrote

So many creatures love a running or dripping tap! I had a cat dish that recycled water in a small ‘faucet’ type thing…. and the cats lined up at the sink instead, waiting for it to drip.

They know the difference. My current cats have a dripping faucet of their very own.


nwash57 t1_iutt9cs wrote

The sound of running water also triggers many birds "i need a bath" response. Even if they don't want to be in the sink, the sound of the sink makes mine search for the nearest dish of water to bathe in.


Fuzakenaideyo t1_iurqn5n wrote

Is this what became of the once mighty rhinoceros?


millerjpm3 t1_iushx6h wrote

His little eyes 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


SirKlip t1_iurhp60 wrote

I knew licking those frogs when i was younger was going to catch up with me...


gotele t1_iurqg1a wrote

And I can't get enough of the chameleon that can't get enough of the tap


Eco605 t1_iuru16i wrote

My 5 yr old son wants a chameleon. What is necessary for care? Ive never had a lizard as a pet so im pretty clueless.


Catlel t1_ius1qek wrote

I wouldn’t recommend a chameleon as a beginner reptile or for a 5 year old. They have particular sometimes complicated needs like proper ventilation, specific humidity parameters, large enough cage, heat source, UV light, misting device, gut loaded insects, etc. Handling can also stress them out, which may be hard for a 5 year old to just “look and not touch” his chameleon. There is a lot of research you need to do before owning one. A lot. To give it the care it deserves. You would have to be the primary caretaker of the chameleon because 5 year olds aren’t old enough to do the research and understand what they require. I recommend googling and reading over several care sheets because each one will say something a little different but you’ll get the gist of what is best if you read several, watch several YouTube videos on how to care for them, and hop on a forum or chameleon/reptile subreddit for further reading.


ihaveathingforyou t1_iushj64 wrote

Please don’t get him one. They are really hard to take care of and aren’t very excited to be held. The reason why this one is so fascinated with the water is because they can only see running water. They require a constant drip in their cage in order to drink. They also require live food to eat.

I recommend getting a Leopard Gecko. They are friendly to hold and very slow, also very easy to feed.

Regardless of your choice, please remember you need to keep your animal warm. It’s vital to their health & will stop eating if they’re cold.


APoopAndAPee t1_iutnmta wrote

The water drip is needed for the most part. But you can train them to use a water dish.


Ralakhim t1_iuta2wi wrote

"I must obtain the source"


strawhat068 t1_iutdzuj wrote

"Today the food God brought me to the source of neverending water" - chameleon probably


Lil_Puddin t1_iuu69mj wrote

Chameleons have 2 eyes that can move independent of each other. Oddly enough, they only have 1 brain cell. Collectively. Between them all. They're truly a mystical miracle of nature.


Nezben t1_iurseq9 wrote

It can enough!


GummyCatc t1_iusi1by wrote

He looks curious "Where does this water come from?"


geo_gan t1_iuu2v41 wrote

His program code does not understand ghost branches.


Filthydewa t1_iusgqoy wrote

What kind of fucking wizardary is this shit?


Nutsnboldt t1_iustf1n wrote

I was really hoping it would turn clear.


[deleted] t1_iusxavo wrote

Oh man he really the whole tap.


wigglytufff t1_iutu8jf wrote

this is how i feel trying to pet my dog when he’s being a brat and wants treats and just keeps scuttling away


mymeatpuppets t1_iuuhy7t wrote

Laminar flow is fuckin' this boi up


PigSlam t1_iuuomzj wrote

#I’m siiiiingin’ in the rain….


jcraig87 t1_iuupntn wrote

Whats up with all these titles missing words or having spelling errors. Is it bots or lazy OPs?


o_-o_-o_- t1_iuurky7 wrote

This op has said something about not speaking English as a native language - they post in a handful of specific enough subs that I'd say it's just non-native English


jcraig87 t1_iuvwy92 wrote

That's fair, but there are a lot of them lately, I was more so speaking to the whole then the one, though this one instance made me think of it.


o_-o_-o_- t1_iuwl11i wrote

Ah I see. In that case I'd say it's probably a combination of bots, non native English speakers (I'd have to look it up, but I read an article about it and I believe native English speakers are now outnumbered by non-native English speakers), auto correct, etc. There has definitely been an increase in bots, though they'll often reuse titles, so they dont always have grammar and spelling mistakes


Prasham_4536 t1_iuvxv6x wrote

Beautiful and creepy at the same time😅


tovatarot t1_ivwhkws wrote

this is so cute <3


JoshCanJump t1_iuspzm1 wrote

This post title was brought to you by Bots™.