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TehHanzolo t1_ivm382d wrote

Sorry I'm not the This Is Fine dog in the room on fire.


playswithdolls t1_ivmouti wrote

Bro, trust me, it sucks more for you than it does for me.

Good luck sleeping.


TehHanzolo t1_ivmvzza wrote

I sleep fine while still wanting a bed world for my kid.

Wish I was in such a privileged position to not care.


playswithdolls t1_ivndlrh wrote

You can care AND not let it consume you. Like me.

But hey, you're the one losing sleep.


TehHanzolo t1_ivo13pp wrote

Lol caring so close to the actual election is "letting it consume you"? Also I just slept a full night


playswithdolls t1_ivquh62 wrote

Your the one that claimed it was gonna keep you up.

And in that case yes, i would considder that letting it consume you.


TehHanzolo t1_ivqxgt1 wrote

Staying up one night for election night =\ not sleeping ever cause politics. Also once I saw how many counts would take til morning I just went to bed cause I'm up early for work anyways.