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Skeetronic t1_iwfe5vv wrote

Reply to comment by J_Megadeth_J in How an engine works. by ooMEAToo

What part is the exhaust?


bigbaltic t1_iwfhnov wrote

Red is exhaust, blue is injection.

Blue opens to inject, piston draws in Piston compress Light (spark) ignites Piston expands from explosion Piston compresses exhaust Red Exhaust valve opens Piston expands because moment Piston compresses Repeat

The exhaust looks early but I am not familiar enough with the mechanics of engines to say definitely.


J_Megadeth_J t1_iwffat2 wrote

I think red is fuel injection so blue is exhaust. It should be opening when the piston compresses the second time.


IdleFool t1_iwfrcbb wrote

Red is exhaust blue is air intake. Idk about fuel injector though I don't see it


GustavSpanjor t1_iwfm9is wrote

Exhaust should be open on an upstroke so that the exhausts get pushed out. Now both exhaust and fuel intake is open on a downstroke.


shikuto t1_iwfsmbv wrote

>Now both exhaust and fuel intake is open on a downstroke.

No they’re not… Watch it again. Blue (intake) is open on a down stroke, red (exhaust) is open on the up stroke.