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Reddit-L t1_iy51isp wrote

Went from looking like Earth to looking like Venus. Pretty cool.


FragmentOfBrilliance t1_iy6ogk0 wrote

Incidentally, it is likely that Venus went from looking like Earth to looking like Venus because of its crazy vulcanism.


Smash_4dams t1_iy6zero wrote

Isn't Venus too close to the sun to keep water anyway?


d1rron t1_iy78c8d wrote

Yes, but as recently as 700 million years ago it's thought to have been potentially habitable.


SaltyBabe t1_iy7fyhm wrote

Omg I’m so high I assumed this was on a different planet and being filmed by a rover (???). I literally sat through it like “hey, respect space watch the whole gif” haha well at least I respected nature and omg that was crazy! Glad I watched to the end lol


Jops817 t1_iy7kymc wrote

I mean technically we're in space too, so you were still respecting.


MrFIXXX t1_iy7yvo0 wrote

Nah, Venus would probably a mix between Mars + the sulfur-rich springs you find in Japan. Except it's methane or whatever, instead of water :)