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roguereversal t1_iyd9iv2 wrote

Are you a ChemE? That’s a pretty good looking flare stack for a pixelated gif. Even showing the steam injection


v78 OP t1_iyctt9p wrote

Hi all! This pixel art animation is 320x200px using 12 colors and 16 hand drawn frames. I doubled the resolution for viewing purposes. I hope it brightens your day <3

If you like this type of art and want to support me, please feel free to check my other works:

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Numerous-Two-7550 t1_iydcha2 wrote

It does, I like it. It’s amazing that for all the detail in modern gaming, most titles still have less soul than your 16 frames.


lorelai-39 t1_iydcx7o wrote

Wow the fire animation looks great, good job!!


FOBHP t1_iyf9i1g wrote

It’s when that flare is smoking and not Burning there’s a problem!


Iama_traitor t1_iye7n96 wrote

How much of the world economy or your life do you think would be possible without the chemical industry?


NoveskeCQB t1_iydpfgd wrote

Should call it “North Salt Lake”


dan_Qs t1_iydpluk wrote

Cool picture. The waves make me think its submerged. That flare stack is beautiful!


lorl3ss t1_iyds6y4 wrote

This is slightly haunting. The feeling of the wind blowing the trees reminding us of the preciousness of what we have and the flare stack reminding us how we are going to lose it. Also the gigantic clouds reminding us how small we are and how life will go on on Earth with or without us.

The scene is lonely, there's not a huge amount to look at, not a lot of life or activity shown. Just a slightly ominous sense of time moving forward out of our control.


Syghar t1_iyeg9pt wrote

Feeling a strong wave of nostalgia rn not sure why


Toeknuckles t1_iyegog4 wrote

I grew up in a refinery town. This is really cool. Thanks for sharing.


marcuse11 t1_iyetkqi wrote

Reminds me of the opening ceremony scene from the classic C64 game "The Summer Games"


NoAstronaut1669 t1_iyfavx6 wrote

That is mad tight dude I'm blown and that lookes absolutely fucking beautiful


Ydlmgtwtily t1_iyd2uqw wrote

I don't understand the need to name your drawings


Left-Bird8830 t1_iydbazn wrote

I don’y understand your need to comment.


Ydlmgtwtily t1_iydck8l wrote

It's how reddit works


finalmantisy83 t1_iyeif32 wrote

That's how art works


Ydlmgtwtily t1_iyezka8 wrote


Art is about interpretation, subjectivity, experience.

You don't slap art in someone's face and tell them what to see.


finalmantisy83 t1_iyezr5s wrote

Uh huh. What's the name of Leonardo Da Vinci's most famous piece, the one that's in the Louvre?


Ydlmgtwtily t1_iyf7iaw wrote

Excellent example!

  1. A name that isn't telling you what to think. In fact, many would posit that the subtleties in the peice which enable such fundamental disagreement between it's appreciators, have a great deal to do with it's popularity.

  2. Piece was named, as all great art, by collectors, not by artist, and given a name that attempts to factually describe the subject. See: Van Gogh's Wheatfield With Crows or Sunflowers. If either of these were named for an emotion like "Longing" or "Nostalgia" they would instantly loose all mystery and dimension.


finalmantisy83 t1_iyf7oqm wrote

How about you get enough clout to start naming pieces and then you can rename this one instead of pissing in the wind at some random ass pixel artist?


Ydlmgtwtily t1_iyf8j4h wrote

Why on earth would I want to start naming pieces?


finalmantisy83 t1_iyf8tvb wrote

You seem to think you have much better ideas than the person who drew it, why NOT do something with that instead of just passive aggressively bitching about it in front of them?