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k0uch t1_iytmzij wrote

Well that’s sad. Not the reusing of material, but that these people are long gone and forgotten


Croatian_Hitman t1_iytnvbc wrote

it's nothing new. It's really a wonder that there's anything left of the ancient world at all, since stones have been taken from ancient ruins to build bridges, churches, and roads for as long as people have been building with stone to begin with. But it is a bit unusual to see that in more modern times, especially in cities like San Francisco.


Grokker999 t1_iyuhsx3 wrote

In the 30 years I've lived here, I've also noticed that there's a lot less visible grave stones in Buena Vista Park then there used to be. It's a little weird for me to live here long enough for gravestones to further decay. It goes for the whole city really it is constantly changing. But it's a little bit incremental.


Croatian_Hitman t1_iyujqbk wrote

It does make sense from a practicality point of view. The stones have already been cut and smoothed, and are not in the middle of nowhere as to making transporting them a hassle.


Throwawayfabric247 t1_iyvyxvr wrote

Pale blue dot. The day you grasp it the day you realize life is too meaningless to worry about stuff that doesn't affect you.


k0uch t1_iywx9y3 wrote

I feel like at the same time, for our local galactic neighborhood at least, it reaffirms how special and valuable our time here is… and it should be spent better


Throwawayfabric247 t1_iyxgbv6 wrote

Absolutely, but that's a meaningful life to you. As you should live your life to the fullest. Because in the grand scheme. We are insignificant. But as a mass we are great.