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brine909 t1_iztuggx wrote

I've lived with dogs my entire life and I always thought it curled the other way, guess I never looked too closely


Peter_101 t1_izvbv5a wrote

Yup only cats curl it forward, dogs do it backwards


Da_Shock t1_izwkrsg wrote

Fun Fact- Cats might curl forward, but they don't scoop water like Dogs do. Individual droplets of water will attach to the rough surfaces on a cats tongue to bring the water back, which I think is cool as heck


RuthlessHavokJB t1_izwjuir wrote

Yeah and the crazy thing about cats is that they don’t “scoop” water. They touch the surface and fling it or allow the molecules of water to adhere to their tongue and they pull the water into the mouths.


NoBuddies2021 t1_j007n7t wrote

Wonder if it's the same case with licking their privates?


buttbugle t1_izwlswp wrote

Sometimes my dog puts her whole snout in the water to drink. Then pulls it out when she discovers she cannot breath all crazy like slinging water everywhere. She will have a confused look on her face then go back to drinking.


AlbertFishing t1_j1jss7c wrote

My friend lab does this. Dogs can be so dumb in the best ways. Fuck I love dogs.