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Quote__Unquote t1_izyc7i8 wrote

Dude’s name is Dan McKernan and he runs the Barn Sanctuary, such a sweet guy


nerdiotic-pervert t1_izzjuux wrote

He makes my loins feel funny.


RoguePlanet1 t1_izzmh6n wrote

Ah okay so this is normal then.


Phreefuk t1_izzqdqe wrote

Women out here acting like 13 year old boys unironically lol


HighlyOffensive10 t1_j1ga9dm wrote

They are acting like male redditors do in everything featuring even the most mildly attractive woman.


WhoIsYerWan t1_j00eqdd wrote

He looks so much like my ex. It’s jarring every time this come up.


ladybug68 t1_izyx5ew wrote

People just don't know that birds can be like dogs with feathers.


Pseudonymico t1_izzgjnu wrote

Don’t they usually tend to pick one person to be like this with and hate everyone else?


--leave_me_alone-- t1_izztep8 wrote

In my experience, with some larger birds, yes. We had a lot of birds. My mom rescued them. Most of them were either cool with everyone or equally indifferent. There was one bird a cocka...too? I think the big white bird. I think cockatiel is the little one.

Anywho, that bird was amazing for about a week. You could flip him on his back and rub his belly. He'd coo etc. Well he fell in love with my mom and was a super bastard with everyone else. He'd try to bite your toes etc. Eventually he was a bastard to my mom too and he got to be too much. We gave him to a neighbor and was doing well last I knew.


Minuted t1_izzttps wrote

I'm not a bird expert and I know next to nothing about bird law, but can't birds become.very attached to their owners? Like they see them as a sexual partner?

Or am I making that up? I might be making that up. I think maybe there was some sort of petting that humans did that turned out to be a sexual thing for birds so I'm probably confusing the two things.


iswearatkids t1_j0005qh wrote

> but can't birds become.very attached to their owners?

Imprinting is the word you're looking for, and yes. Some species can. It's about context, such as type of bird, socialization, habitat, ect.


Nomomommy t1_j00crcf wrote

My neighbor had a lovebird who became my special friend. He'd run after me if I went to the bathroom or start yelling when I left. He'd come to my house and take showers with me or walk around on me while I napped. We'd groom each other and hang out. All cool, nothing that weird. But once he was getting all interested in my socked foot and my neighbor said, "careful...he might do a little bird jizz on your foot if you don't look out". So take from that what you will.


jedi_cat_ t1_j00r6v5 wrote

Parrots and cockatoos are like elephants, they NEVER FORGET. So, if something happens that they don’t like they will hate you forever. That’s like 50 years of hatred.


ladybug68 t1_j01xyqx wrote

My mom had two cockatoos. Peaches wanted cuddles from everyone and Rocky loved my mom and I, but would bite my brother. She rescued quakers that would let her sew socks on them(they had plucked out all their feathers), but would attack the rest us if we got anywhere near them. It just depends ...


spinelession t1_izzl944 wrote

It depends on the species, but more so has to do with how well they're socialized.


ladybug68 t1_izzxovg wrote

Yes that is true. The only birds that I have known to be different are cockatoos. They still have a favorite person but in my limited experience they will accept cuddles from anyone offering them.


Pseudonymico t1_izzzbyu wrote

I guess that makes sense, I’m Australian and I mostly see cockatoos in huge flocks.


ladybug68 t1_izzzikg wrote

It must be amazing to watch, but very very loud. 😁


DreamMaster8 t1_j015g9c wrote

I just wish they could hold their poop for longer the 15min. Like whenever i watch people with free roaming bird it's always full of poop around :/


ladybug68 t1_j01ww1d wrote

Not a fan of "free roaming" too much potential for trouble and poop. On top of the cage is enough.


burgeroburger t1_j01m4ja wrote

Yeah no… wife had conures (bird in the video) and they are absolutely the worst pet sold at traditional pet stores. They shit every ten minutes and can’t be potty trained so you end up with shit all over your clothes and your house. They also love to destroy everything they touch with their beak and can easily chew threw wood. They can easily and often do draw blood with their beak and are super temperamental. Add to the fact they can fly, I was constantly in fear the winged devils would attack my eyes. Also, if a door is left open, they can fly away and will get lost and you’ll never see them again. You can’t leave them alone for long periods of time as they are fairly intelligent and require constant attention. They are extremely noisy, on a similar level to having a newborn human baby but it never grows up. Parrot owners are also a special breed of pet owner and will love the birds to death despite all this and act like none of these issues are even issues. It was often the source of serious relationship issues for us. The birds are still intelligent creatures though so for the sake of the birds, don’t just go off on a whim and buy one, unless you and your family are looking for the commitment that comes with having a newborn human baby for life that can’t be potty or sleep trained ever, has razors for teeth, can fly, and never be around an open door. Also, they can live up to 25 years…


ladybug68 t1_j01wiau wrote

Well to be fair not all birds breeds are the same just like dogs. Quakers are noisy attack dogs. You are right though birds require your full attention and people should not get one before understanding all that it means to be a bird owner.


Crembels t1_j00b7nz wrote

As a bird owner, birds get itchy. Beards and stubble are a perfect scratching post for them to rub their faces on that they cant itch themselves via their beaks. My bird for sure LOVES being scratched in that area around her beak and near her eyes/cheeks.

Its cute as fuck either way. But im willing to bet the kiss from the dude left an irritating feeling on the birb and it was doing what it could to releive itself since it trusts him.


Gweebington t1_izz0mz6 wrote

This guy gets it. Our animals can give us the purest form of love. To be on the receiving end of it is the greatest honor.


Jeffreybugist t1_izy8mx3 wrote

No gonna lie, I want to be that birb


Gibec89 t1_izz824u wrote

In reality, the bird just wiping off the nasty smootch juice you left it..


heyitsmichele t1_izytq6n wrote

My Duolingo notification popped up while watching this. 😔


marsattack13 t1_izzutc1 wrote

This guy is adorable and so is his friend


Luned0r t1_j01ebda wrote

TBF I love this human too. Dan McKernan is awesome.


richardtrle t1_izzo6eg wrote

I want to be that Birb :3


CyBerImPlaNt t1_izzz20v wrote

He has whiskers, the bird is using him as a scratching post.


gizeon t1_j004l3z wrote

Bird loves Human or Bird loves grooming on your stubble?


aKiss4Luck t1_j009cn9 wrote

This just makes me happy.


crochettop t1_j01n5j5 wrote

I love his human too.


Soldier-light t1_izyx2tg wrote

I swear, he has more intelligence than some people


carcigenicate t1_izzigex wrote

It's amazing how much birds can look and act like rodents. I have Degus that like to sit on my shoulder and snuggle.


Erzaad t1_izzpsp5 wrote

Where did all the frames go? DX


ragnarok62 t1_j004ns5 wrote

Bird just wants the oil off his face to lube its feathers. Not saying there’s no affection there, but practicalities…


1000Years0fDeath t1_j00jail wrote

Looks like he's getting some scruffy scritches


crk365 t1_j00rt3g wrote

You're a most excellent human. Thank-you!


Mr-moJoE t1_j00votu wrote

My bird just looks at me funny and attacks the side of my face when I do that :/


Ekoldr t1_j01qzbi wrote

This is the best Big Sexy and Shoresy cosplay ever!


theeldergod1 t1_izz6vlm wrote

I think it is more like "The bird misses a partner".


Amazzadio t1_izz4u34 wrote

Yeah they do. Stop eating chicken though...


Apocrisiary t1_j00q9sk wrote

I'll probably get downvoted for this, but wtf happened?

I'm so sick of "gender equallity" going overboard. Not the first example.

Women thirsting over this guys, several comments, gets upvoted.

Say something like "nice smile" to a girl as a male. Damn near death treats.


Svenskensmat t1_j00tbl3 wrote

Have you seen the comments in posts with a hot woman?

There is even a sub dedicated to it.


Apocrisiary t1_j01kari wrote

My point exactly. It is so horrific there is own subreddits to calling them out.

So why is it ok when women do it?

I'm not talking about the comments them selves, I am talking about the act of sending sexually related comments. Ok when Women do it, apparently.

This is exactly the reason Male rape gets laughed at and not taken seriously.


Svenskensmat t1_j01pdh4 wrote

> It is so horrific there is own subreddits to calling them out.

Calling them out for being hot?

Is there something wrong with you mate?


Apocrisiary t1_j01ssee wrote

I thought you ment r/niceguys, r/creepypm or something like that.

Aren't you a nice fellow, fucking whiteknight.


Guess I am not clear.

Comment on a hot girl in r/gifs you get lynched, women thirsting over a dude on r/gifs. Upvotes.

Litarellay just some days ago, a post where someone said "beautiful eyes and smile" to a girl. That's it. 138 downvotes.

Other subs, what has that anything to do with it? There are literall porn subs..
