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AdaMan_ t1_j1evid1 wrote

Double Dash was the best Kart IMO. Characters having their own special item and seat swapping for strategic plays.


Vocalic985 t1_j1g0rpu wrote

The simple ability of being able to rotate items if you want to use one and save the other not being in any other Mario Kart is crazy to me.


piemanding t1_j1iq6y8 wrote

I'd say it requires a good bit of strategy to not be able to swap. Essentially it forces you to think of either keeping an item in your main slot or using it and hoping for it in the second slot so it can't be stolen or a better combo. Though, I only use this principle for shells/bananas since I never wanna give up a horn. Horn in second slot and shell/banana in the first is god tier rng.


pixel_jess OP t1_j1ewae4 wrote

it was a super fun way of choosing your team composition for sure!


PC-hris t1_j1gfuha wrote

Being able to just strait up punch your opponents was the best feature in any mariokart


arthontigerik t1_j1fp5el wrote

I have not been able to get into another Mario kart because none of them live up to double dash. Maybe one day, we will get a remake or sequel…


AdaMan_ t1_j1fvrsg wrote

Same. The special items really set the characters apart and mixing a team's was great.


zapman449 t1_j1g97q6 wrote

Happy to see Double Dash love… I wish it was an option on later games. Best reason is it let’s people have a more gentle intro to the game… “I’ll drive… you just shoot items and figure things out”


what-are-potatoes t1_j1g6hk0 wrote

Plus it was so fun to play in pairs! I loved bumping people off a cliff 😛


HtownTexans t1_j1hlngt wrote

pairs was so much fun. Loved getting a good punch to dodge the red shells.


noyoto t1_j1hfr4b wrote

Don't forget about the glorious shortcuts.


ziggrrauglurr t1_j1gmh4w wrote

And it was a complete rip of the good ideas that Chocobo Racing had
