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pblokhout t1_j1pokc4 wrote

Fun fact, cats have a special place in Islam. They are (one of?) the only animals considered clean enough to be conspired suitable as pets (in the house).

Even better, they are seen as clean as people are after they do the ritual washing before prayer.

Probably different views on this per region, but in any case, Muhammad was a big fan of cats. He wouldn't even shoo them away during prayer.

I think some local folklores even say that cats are the witnesses of God. They will whisper your deeds in God's ears at your moment of judgment.

Not religious myself, but I found this interesting when I found out.


Mr_Zaroc t1_j1r2kql wrote

My cat is ao trusting now I can pick him up while he sleeps, move him to the next room and he will continue to sleep as if nothing ever happened

But dear god, if you don't let him outside at point 5am he will scream bloody murder


Mastro2498 t1_j1r5rc5 wrote

Dude it's a fucking cat it can land from a drop twice that high effortlessly


etnoid204 t1_j1rqjt2 wrote

Treat their cats better than their women and daughters.


Q_vs_Q t1_j1s818x wrote

"You ever seen a dead cat in a tree" comes to mind here.


Quazmodic t1_j1skbl4 wrote

Not everywhere. The feral ones piss the local birdlife off. lol đŸ€Ș


Quazmodic t1_j1skhoi wrote

So no goldfish in Moslem households, ay?


Vegetable_Diver_1675 t1_j1sm3cc wrote

That cat could have easily jumped down from that height without any harm lol. Even higher.


etnoid204 t1_j1snhif wrote

Give me one example otherwise. One example of Islam raising their women up. Their women are being killed daily due to protesting their mistreatment in Islamic society. Now women can’t go to university anymore and fear persecution after the repressive westerners left.


etnoid204 t1_j1stt2w wrote

Why is a woman’s testimony only worth 1/2 of a man’s? What about genital mutilation? Or special rules for women because they aren’t “intellectually equal” to men?


etnoid204 t1_j1sv34v wrote

Never said anything about Afghanistan, these are issues across all of Islamic law and the role women play in the system.

“Women are legally disadvantaged by Islamic law in several domains of life. Particularly, women are disadvantaged in matters of sexual, domestic, legal, financial, sartorial, and physical autonomy. According to Islamic legal theory, while not all of Islamic law necessarily has a perceptibly rational basis, legal restrictions on women may be due to their supposed intellectual deficiency, which was pronounced by Muhammad according to Sahih Bukhari.”
