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Cornered16 t1_j1wgd1u wrote

I never understand how people can keep chickens inside their house, on their bed no less and not get poop everywhere. They’re pooping machines!


omgdiaf t1_j1x8bn7 wrote

There is literal depends for them to wear.


Willy_wonks_man t1_j1ycgbn wrote

You know, the reality of harvesting chickens for meat is demented enough. Keeping a chicken and forcing it to wear a diaper that then makes it live in its own shit from time to time seems... more demented. Somehow.


modsarefascists42 t1_j1y5ymw wrote

Plus they're just dirty in general. I always had to wash every part of me that touched mine.


ForcyBo t1_j1uid38 wrote

This girl LOVES the cock.


spandexcatsuit t1_j1vl2oh wrote

Great way to get salmonella poisoning


missestater t1_j1wdscp wrote

Not only that, but chickens have lice. So you are getting all those little bugs in your hair and on your bed. Had chickens as a kid and had to pick them out of my hair after hanging out in the coop. Stopped hugging them to my face after that.


TheBirthing t1_j1yqwon wrote

Those are treatable. If your hens had poultry lice then you just weren't taking care of them.


whycuthair t1_j1yuzhm wrote

Damn. How would the chickens get in your hair though?


firemagery t1_j1xtrj1 wrote

Buff Orrington rooster, they're commonly known as the golden retrievers of chickens. I've got 5 hens, and they're the first ones to run up to you.


tias23111 t1_j1uatbj wrote

All these cute girls can’t make me want to eat chicken less


marlostanfield89 t1_j1yuvsf wrote

Exactly what this reddit account is trying to make you do too. It's actual vegan propaganda


stacker55 t1_j1ukua7 wrote

shouldnt play with your food


BigDLongD t1_j1wpu7s wrote

That’s a god damn hen, ya horses ass.


Rezumori t1_j1vy43m wrote

It's so cute 😭


Ns53 t1_j1xszs1 wrote

Tiny trex loves its


AnyGoodUserNamesLeft t1_j1yn2ij wrote

Our Molly used to do this, or wriggle under our arm... for hours.

All chickens are the best but those that demand cuddles are just that little bit more special.


stupled t1_j1yvv8c wrote

Fresh nuggets


[deleted] t1_j1xo8nk wrote

At first I saw a dog with the weirdest tongue then all of a sudden it's a chicken


supreme_glassez t1_j1yndt3 wrote

I don't get how people can get all cozy like this with farm animals as if they were pets. I see it sometimes with pigs too.


MarkAnchovy t1_j1yqi7p wrote

Because they’re animals first, they’re just mistreated as farm animals.

Pigs and chickens are frequently pets.


Parsa_8D t1_j1yrthq wrote


You have cock in your arms


Truditoru t1_j1upqxx wrote

girl snuggles cock full hd


DeMimsyPorpington t1_j1x292w wrote

My brain saw it as “settling in for some nuggies” and I figured she was just skipping steps.


fightglobalwarning t1_j1xy2pe wrote

My sister used to do this with her chicken and then it pecked her eye. I hope this for you as well. Theyre not pets, my bad but they are owned objects in my mind


applesaucemidget t1_j1y5w9z wrote

Had a pet rooster as a kid the thing was pretty cool used to attack people I would run at and would jump up on my arm when I put my hand out. The bastard hated shoes and would flog the shit out of your feet if it thought your shoes were especially offensive. I named him Pester because anytime you were outside he would just circle around your feet endlessly. RIP Pester he died doing what he loved attacking my mom's car tires untill he became Pester pancake.


CoyPig t1_j1ynbqn wrote

Lucky cock!


Rebel_Yell27 t1_j1us0b8 wrote

Damn, that cock looks really snuggable.


s9eb t1_j1uvmdr wrote

How do you have so many animals gah dam
