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spiderborland t1_j473kr7 wrote

Reply to comment by Zachbnonymous in Scream by Rainsdrop

I joke that all Volvo parts are hand made in Sweden... in the same factories that used to manufacture tanks. See... during the war, all the men went off and served, so the women went into the factories. Once the war ended, they didn't need tanks, and the women enjoyed working... so they switched to Volvo parts. Those same women have been working in the factories ever since... and they're getting older, and there aren't as many as there used to be. So now there's a very small workforce of slow moving factory workers making Volvo parts... hence why they cost so much.

EDIT: This story relies on my version of what Sweden was doing during the War, and I won't change my story regardless of what they were actually doing because the story won't work anymore.