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Draconica5 t1_j4kbue0 wrote

What you said is true. I don't know why you got downvoted.

Most of the dog meat in Vietnam is stolen and illegal. The government can't ban this because there are too many people who just don't care and call it "unique culture," even though the majority of Vietnamese hate it. They even display the BBQ dog right on the street.

If you're from Vietnam, then you should raise awareness of this problem instead of hiding it.


ComradeH_VIE t1_j4m4oal wrote

It is unknown how much of the dog meat in restaurants are stolen or thievery. No one has done any research about it. Sure, we have dog farms (yes, we do, it surprises me too), but how much percentage nation-wide and how much restaurant-specific the meat is from a far is... unknown.