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TheClayroo t1_j4jknk6 wrote

I did this as a 10 year old but it was my neighbour's 140lbs black lab/rhodesian ridgeback mix.


jpiro t1_j4juh6w wrote

I did this with my pug, lol. Little snorting bastard loved pulling me around on my skateboard.


-Zoppo t1_j4kmp3x wrote

I did this when I was 8 with my pet cow but without the rollerblades, it just dragged me along the ground until my mum came and saved me


djluminol t1_j4mzuon wrote

I think every kid with a dog has done this at some point.


Dios5 t1_j4lchmg wrote

What happens to the ridge if you dilute rhodesian ridgebacks?


TheClayroo t1_j4lfz8q wrote

Kind of like a little twirl, but harder to see because he was all black so the light didn't hit it the same. He was huge.


Jewrisprudent t1_j4ls6hp wrote

I have a mutt who gets a little ridge when he’s excited, it’s definitely a dilutable trait.


ukpfthrowthrow t1_j4kr1lh wrote

Memories of being accosted by language students looking to practice their skills on English speaking tourists in that area.

Went for coffee for an hour, they paid the bill, couldn’t work out what the scam was if any. I came away concluding that it they were just genuine people.


blueskysahead t1_j4lfa4s wrote

Same experience, no coffee but was on edge the whole time! I was the lookout while my better half did the talking. They were just nice kids


ukpfthrowthrow t1_j4llar1 wrote

Exactly the same. My better half was adamant that we do it, I was convinced we were going to end up losing our kidneys. Having said that, while it was a perfectly pleasant time, we did keep our heads down every time we went through that area again.


Sinep_Teg_Reggib t1_j4jzuwd wrote

I hope they keep that dog on a leash. Tết is coming up soon and there’ll be lots of firecrackers going off. If a dog is found on the streets of VN, it’s gonna end up in the market or in a pot. If it’s lucky, it might land in another household. But considering that it’s a holiday… (Source: am Vietnamese)


Draconica5 t1_j4kbue0 wrote

What you said is true. I don't know why you got downvoted.

Most of the dog meat in Vietnam is stolen and illegal. The government can't ban this because there are too many people who just don't care and call it "unique culture," even though the majority of Vietnamese hate it. They even display the BBQ dog right on the street.

If you're from Vietnam, then you should raise awareness of this problem instead of hiding it.


ComradeH_VIE t1_j4m4oal wrote

It is unknown how much of the dog meat in restaurants are stolen or thievery. No one has done any research about it. Sure, we have dog farms (yes, we do, it surprises me too), but how much percentage nation-wide and how much restaurant-specific the meat is from a far is... unknown.


chi7p1 t1_j4ni7mb wrote

Really, they should think about the karma...Stealing and eating people's pet, what horrible act.


ripyourlungsdave t1_j4lf3rm wrote

I used to do this with my beagle. And I had some nice ass roller skates and she was a very strong dog. We would get up to about 15 miles an hour according to the neighborhood speedometer.

And then one day, as I was coming out of the driveway, I tripped on a pebble and landed palm first. It snapped my entire forearm in half. They had to put me under with ketamine when I went to the hospital because I'm allergic to anesthesia.

So my first experience in a k-hole was when I was 14 years old and having my arm reset. Pretty sure the trip gave me PTSD, but it gave me an appreciation for psychedelics that I hold on to to this day.

So there is my labyrinthian story for today.


ArmEagle t1_j4kqbhj wrote

I hope that stick she's holding is for the dog to hold later on, no to be hit with when it stops.


imregrettingthis t1_j4jth4g wrote

I used to watch my friends irish wolfhound all the time.


We would harness up and he would pull me forever on a skateboard. Some of the best times I have ever had.


dude19832 t1_j4l3bek wrote

Let’s ride….to battle!!!


Ormonddude t1_j4mjoh6 wrote

Poor dog doesn't want to become a spring roll


ChristinaPerry20 t1_j4lwcgq wrote

That's amazing and the dog is so excited to give the ride.


Wildweed t1_j4mmaxc wrote

If this was posted in r/dogs there would be pitchforks everywhere yelling animal abuse. lmfao.

edit: was/were?


CapriceDrippin89 t1_j4ms9d0 wrote

I love Hanoi! Beautiful boardwalk along the beach!


PoiLethe t1_j4mw01d wrote

I want to do this. But i live on a dirt and stone road. And roller blades are always so low on my priority list. Would be a great way to get him exercise though. He's such a big energetic boy.


KnightOfAstora t1_j4nk93o wrote

Lmao, my dad had a collie when I was born, he always says that Chasco (the dog's name) loved playing with me and once day my dad had this idea of attaching a a small pulling cart to the dog, fella then went on giving me rides around the backyard. Dad always said he was the most caring dog of all. Too bad he was almost 8 yo when I was born and die around 11 yo.


SKcl0ck t1_j4maj60 wrote

i did this with my golden retriever and skateboard when i was 8. two broken arms later, never again.