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GideonGriebenow OP t1_j4uued4 wrote

Hi. Yes, I actually became online friends with their team lead, Philomena a year or so ago after realizing the similarities between our games (she's also mentioned our relations in a talk she held recently). People will no doubt compare the two, but they've got a whole team, and I'm just a solo dev with loads of passion doing my best. Philomena has been very supportive, helpful and friendly. We genuinely developed our ideas completely independently - I have dev-logs from two years ago already showing my Turtle being able to move in space, etc.I hope people see it positively, the way we have, and not as some kind of copy-cat move on my side. If they don't, there's really nothing I can do but be open, honest and sincere about my journey. And it's been a wonderful one so far, from watching my first ever Unity tutorial in Feb2019 to having over 20K wishlists on Steam 4 years later!


SaberReyna t1_j4vufw6 wrote

Good for you and good to hear the other devs were supportive and not little bitches about it. If I had a usable PC I would play this to death. Keep up the good work!


GideonGriebenow OP t1_j4vun4r wrote

Thanks. It's really motivating to hear people say positive things about it!


NotYourTypicalReditr t1_j4w0lpu wrote

I would not be concerned at all about comparisons honestly. 'Different art style, different setting, but a similar mechanic' is 90% of all popular/mainstream games I see. You obviously have a road map of features in mind and are working on them, and the WV team surely do as well. In time, the games will diverge enough to each be regarded by their own merits.

BTW I've been playing this demo quite a bit, can't wait to buy the full game when it hits steam.


GideonGriebenow OP t1_j4w5bav wrote

Thanks! I'm so glad to hear about people enjoying the game :)


NotYourTypicalReditr t1_j4w60s7 wrote

BTW is it only on steam or is there another platform I can buy it on that gives you a better profit deal?


GideonGriebenow OP t1_j4w6xhd wrote

I recently got a publisher. They will also sell it on other stores at their discretion, but nothing set up yet.


Alastor3 t1_j4z8m4p wrote

I wish you the best of luck and will probably buy both games :)