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unholyfire t1_j6bkt1z wrote

8 lives


hogester79 t1_j6bzpta wrote

The way it hid right away tells you it scared itself.

Wasn’t intentional


just-kath t1_j6eqdgh wrote

Or that they were frightened by someone...or something


ciarenni t1_j6fi0a8 wrote

No, it was scared of the person beforehand. You can tell by how it tries to slink by them and gives them a glance.


hogester79 t1_j6fjqeq wrote

I'm talking about when it landed. The cat didn't expect the drop or the drop to be that big and it scared itself when it landed.


ciarenni t1_j6g6mec wrote

And I'm saying it was scared before and launched itself off a cliff knowing it would be fine and still hid because that's how survival instincts work.


Criticalhit_jk t1_j6g8duu wrote

My cat looks just like this when it shits somewhere it knows better than to shit.

Ascribing it's behavior to fear of human is mere guesswork


TheWanderer-AG t1_j6h8dzl wrote

What you described would still be fear of human. Fear of human that found my shit pile.


ciarenni t1_j6gprgw wrote

You're suggesting that your cat does something it knows it isn't supposed to and then acts like this, but isn't scared? What is it then?


ghigoli t1_j6cb8wx wrote

no lives were wasted in that jump lol. cats know how to jump from heights that high up. its a special thing going with its core muscles and legs + making themselves parachute in a way.


lefthandedgun t1_j6cyxx2 wrote

Put down the pipe; that shit's making you delusional. No cat would intentionally attempt that jump unless motivated by fear to escape some perceived threat. The height is too extreme, and definitely exceeds what one would routinely execute safely.


lol_in_every_post t1_j6d694l wrote

While I don’t think it was an intentional jump the point ghigoli was making is still true. Cats know how to fall and spread their body mass out so the impact isn’t as hard on them. But still, you can tell it was accidental lol


Evolone100 t1_j6dgln0 wrote

I believe I watched a Cat documentary ( I know I need a life lol). They use every muscle in their body when they jump. So while I believe the cat landed like a pro and was unharmed. I think it kinda feared for its life. Since it’s still hid after the jump.


sake_maki t1_j6ei3yo wrote

So you remember the name of the cat documentary? 👀


rennerbeast t1_j6diko1 wrote

I think he just got the zoomies and misjudged the jump onto the ledge.


fresh_gnar_gnar t1_j6ebh51 wrote

A cats terminal velocity is low enough that as long as it lands on all fours and absorbs the impact through its spring legs, cat will be safe. Cat is at most danger and injury potential is in the first two stories (20ft) where they may not have had the time to rotate correctly.


Plisken999 t1_j6dmcvv wrote

Yeah because the fact that cat always land on their paws means that they can jump from any heigh.



RadimentriX t1_j6e8rye wrote

Iirc the terminal velocity of a cat is low enough that it survives. Might break some bones maybe