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wiseroldman t1_j6kutcp wrote

Would heavy rain have the same affect and make the mouths close?


RainboBro t1_j6kz1st wrote

>Gentle rain can close traps, but this is not a common event. The necessity of two or more stimuli to close a trap accounts for traps general lack of responsiveness to raindrops in light rainfall. Traps observed to be closed by raindrops began reopening in an average of 4.5 hours and full reopening averaged 15.8 hours.

>Only 6 to 12% of the traps in the field of view were closed by intense rain. Even rain so heavy that the traps were submerged in water left most of the traps open. Gentle rain can close traps, but this is not a common event.

  • Research Gate,is%20not%20a%20common%20event.


wiseroldman t1_j6l03ty wrote

Interesting, so the plant has evolved to deal with the stimulus from rain drops. Thanks for sharing!