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no7_ebola OP t1_j96dwdj wrote

I actually don't like my waners. which is why I made this post in the first place since I wanted to get a new iem. not saying it's bad just didn't like it. being cheap is the entire point of chus and other $20 iems. by trying to feel premium you're going to have to sacrifice a lot of things such as utility and longevity.

you buy iems for the sound not the premium feel, I doubt you're gonna notice the metal build while you're wearing it. if you're gonna appreciate an iem appreciate the fact it plays audio well.

my point still stands that lan has no real identity. turning is what defines an iem at the end and lan just isn't all that special to be a real product. revising the chus still makes more sense than an entirely different product that does the same thing.


No_Analysis6187 t1_j97nsri wrote

Actually you WILL notice the metal build. It will give you lots of confidence in wearing it, whether it be using them for commuting or laying on the side with them. A little extra durability and premium feel are always appreciated. Besides, if it address the peakiness on Chu then shouldn't that be big enough of a difference? You really shouldn't be expecting massive difference in anything below $80.


thatcarolguy t1_j96o4vu wrote

The longevity thing is very unfortunate though I have personally not had any problem with my Chus. My only point really is that if the Chus blew their budget on premium feel then of course a version with the same premium feel and added detachable cable is going to cost more.

I don't even like the premium feel. Like I appreciate how it looks and feels but as soon as I pick it up (in any way besides grabing the 2 shells first and being careful to keep them apart which is something I don't want to do because to me a $20 IEM is about convenience, not being fussy) and feel the little heavy weights swinging around and banging together I don't like it compared to how I can just yank my Quarks any which way and throw them around.

But I do notice the metal build while I am wearing it. Yet another reason I prefer the Quarks lol. But if the Chu was what I wanted in sound and feel yet I desired a detachable cable I wouldn't hesitate on the Lan. I don't know who exactly that is for but it is somebody.

What is it that you don't like about Waners? And what is stopping you from trying Quarks? If it is the USB C then I totally understand.


no7_ebola OP t1_j96pmz2 wrote

my issue with my waners was that the emphasis on vocals isn't as strong as I would like. it's overpowered by the instruments and bass. they play instruments EXTREMELY WELL but the vocals just isn't as present as I'd like. I've gotten used to it for the most part.

main reason I don't try the quarks because they just seem like a generic earphone with good tuning? also remember how I got my waners for $14? in my country the price difference isn't significant enough for me to consider it


thatcarolguy t1_j96qy89 wrote

Generic in what way?


no7_ebola OP t1_j96r37z wrote

in the sense it's literally the same as the buds that comes with your phone, random Chinese earphones.


thatcarolguy t1_j96rbxh wrote

So you mean physical shape/construction? That's what makes them so comfortable and convenient. That was a game changer for me. I never want bulky or heavy shells or thick nozzles ever again.