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Longjumping-Mud1412 t1_j9slbk1 wrote

Some people claim to be able to differentiate 320 and lossless, but all the science shows that in a blind test the average person can’t tell the difference, I wouldn’t worry about it and just use whichever app interface you prefer


facts_guy2020 t1_j9tgl82 wrote

Most "audiophiles" wouldn't pass the 192 vs. 320 in a blind test


Gofa_Kirselph t1_j9ts5s2 wrote

I’m some people. But even then, I mainly use Spotify. It’s really not that bad and not even worth worrying about. Besides, nothing will make a difference if the song was recorded poorly to begin with. EDIT: You can get less fatiguing gear, but that’s pretty much it. It’s not like you can magically increase the quality with audio crystals or something.


klogg4 t1_j9spd56 wrote

Always tell what you mean by 320kbps. Because old MP3 encoded by Bladeenc or l3enc (for example) is pretty much easy to differentiate from FLAC. On the other side you have absolutely no chance to find difference between Opus 320kbps and FLAC. MP3 320 encoded by LAME (the most relatable variant) is somewhere in between - close to being transparent though.


Longjumping-Mud1412 t1_j9spmeh wrote

I’ve never even caught a whisper that there was different types of 320kbps, I’ll look into it more in the morning, thank you for the info


minecrafter1OOO t1_j9t7dhy wrote

There are different types of audio codecs like mp3 aac opus wav flac and many more. The kbps is the bit rate of the codec. More bitrate, better qaulity. Mp3 at 128kbps sounds pretty bad while opus at 128 sounds near lossless. Flac is lossless so that means there is no loss in the audio file.