Submitted by andysaurus_rex t3_11aeoox in headphones

I like the feel of the stock pads but the clamp force is too loose. I’m hoping to get an ear pad that’s a little more plush that squeezes my head a little bit more. If I’m eating at my desk and put my head down, they slide forward on my face. I’d like to eliminate that.

I’m not too bothered by how they alter the sound but I don’t want to narrow the soundstage.

I was considering the Dekoni fenestrated or sheepskin. Idk about the hybrids. I’ve also seen the ZMF lambskin pads which look good too.

One thing I don’t want to do is make my ears hot. Will these do that? I know their leather. Would the elite hybrid pads prevent that?



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Zero_Aspect t1_j9s2mx9 wrote

The clamp force is too tight but you want ear pads that make it even tighter? The consensus from previous reddit threads is that 3rd party HD800s pads will alter the sound negatively. If you're open to EQ, then the Dekoni fenestrated pads might be a good choice (see here). My HD800S never gets sweaty with stock pads since they're so roomy, but I imagine the fenestrated might after a couple of hours.


andysaurus_rex OP t1_j9s44ta wrote

Sorry, must have been a typo. It is not tight enough

And I’m not concerned too much with sound quality, so long as the soundstage stays the same. I know the pads will have some impact on the sound but I’m not concerned.


Zero_Aspect t1_j9s6ln0 wrote

I'm not too sure about the effects on soundstage as I've never used anything other than stock pads myself. I know that the HD800S has a dead-zone where the soundstage is perceptibly wider, so that may be something to consider with 3rd-party pads as they might alter that angle. Don't take my word for it though.

As for tightness, is your headband adjustment all the way in (the tightest setting)?


f3llyn t1_j9sdq0t wrote

From what I've heard from people, ZMF pads are better than the dekoni ones.


PolarBearSequence t1_j9sr7rt wrote

From personal experience, I’d advise against the Dekoni Hybrid Elite, since they pretty much ruined the soundstage for me. Maybe your experience with other pads will be better.


covertash t1_j9u1agw wrote

> And I’m not concerned too much with sound quality, so long as the soundstage stays the same. I know the pads will have some impact on the sound but I’m not concerned.

This is basically saying "I want to change things, as long as I don't change things." Unfortunately, physics and reality beg to differ. ;)

Any pad changes will affect your perception of the headstage, especially with the HD800(s), and in my experiences the Dekoni pads that I tried (Sheepskin and Velour) actually seemed to make it sound "smaller"; at least to the insignificant degree that I care about headstage anyway. To me, the driver's distance from the ear matters to a certain extent, equally as does the driver housing and shape - due to the resonant frequencies that build up within the overall "system". Changing the pad depth will inevitably change the volume of space, and has a downstream effect on the FR, not even taking into account the surface materials and foams that can better reflect or absorb sounds.

Long story short, if comfort/clamp is what you are after, any of the third party pads will do the job, to varying degrees. Unfortunately, no one will be able to tell if you, yourself, will find any of the velour/fabric type of pads to be comfortable (i.e. not scratchy, irritating) for your long term usage. Leather-types will trap heat better, naturally, but given that it's a highly breathable open-back, does it actually matter? Who knows - only you can try and determine for yourself.

Happy trails!


entivoo t1_j9umxxe wrote

I can testify that Dekonis are poorly made especially their fake leather material. It peels off so quickly (not even one year of using them, bought them for my Fidelio X2). Not all pleather are made equal. In my opinion Dekonis are just too overhyped. Not to mention to my absolute disappointment they outsource their production to China, no wonder the quality is questionable.