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_FinalPantasy_ t1_j9v3quv wrote

Shweet. I'm ordering a Monolith THX 887. 8.8w at 16o, 6w at 32o for only $240 is rediculous. What planar/dynamic drive can would even struggle with that much power? I've been looking for the best value per wattage and it seems like you have to spend $1000+ for 10w+ 16o.


a_wifi_has_no_name t1_j9va6g0 wrote

Don't talk to me about enough power for planars. I'm running Sundaras satisfactorily off a Valhalla 2.


_FinalPantasy_ t1_j9vag7v wrote

I’ve got an Asgard but I like my L30 II more. But I want more powah without breaking the bank.