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wagninger t1_j9w54wo wrote

Yeah, one shop where I already borrowed 2 headphones and bought one of them comes to mind… the owner simultaneously told me how awesome a certain headphone was and how he would absolutely not recommend that I buy it, and how much he dislikes the one that I have.

Okay, bought that headphone somewhere else, for much cheaper at that.


halfercode OP t1_ja06vvi wrote

> told me ... how much he dislikes the [headphone] that I have.

I just don't understand why a salesperson would do that. Sometimes the art of selling is knowing when not to speak!


wagninger t1_ja37ukk wrote

yeah... we have such a poor selection of stuff here, and seemingly only one shop each in the 3 countries around me that don't require me to pay customs with a decent selection, that I'm forced to become my own shop as a side hustle.