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Bdimasi t1_ja9m6xl wrote

No regrets. Chalk it up as the cost of enjoying a hobby, which brings excitement and requires building your knowledge. If you have cans you don’t use as much anymore, sell them second hand and use the proceeds towards new gear. As we are all on different stages of the audio hobby progression, beginners can get into the hobby by buying well cared for gear at a fraction of the new price. I think cans are just one part of the bigger hobby picture. DACs, amps and music library also provide a source of technical learning and appreciation. The question is, what would you have spent your money on otherwise? If the answer is alcohol, drugs or partying, I’d say spending your money on audio has been a wise choice (haha).


OriginalAccording802 OP t1_ja9pdql wrote

Great response, I'll do that. It's the entire journey of getting your first setup and enjoying and moving on which makes it worth it, in my mind at least. The learning is also why this hobby is so great, It's like peering inside a product authors mind and seeing why/what/if they choose there product to sound like. It's great