Submitted by superthrust t3_113uawm in headphones

Alright so I hope I can properly explain my issues and try to come off as understandable, as I’m mildly frustrated in my feeling almost scammed outta my money and constant hassle to get replacements…

I bought in 2021 a pair of Austrian Audio HI-X55 headphones. They sound great. I love the sound on them specifically because I can easily tune my mixer that I use…but the build, is bad.

My current setup is a Shure SM7B mic plugged into a cloud lifter that connects via a Yamaha MG12XU plugged into my computer and connected via USB for all audio function. I plan to add a turntable here soon for listening and input into my computer for samples. Of course, I would love to upgrade this board as well to allow for a smaller unit or TOSLINK capability, or better sound/options, but that’s a question for another day.

I mainly play games with friends, a lot of WoW, Star citizen, FFXIV and a lot of apex & CoD, so hearing footsteps is pretty important.

Because of this, closed back, LARGE ear cups to stuff my ears into and good sound are pretty a must for my end goal, which so far, I’ve been very satisfied with.

As I mentioned, the sound is great, but the build is absolute shit. As of right now, the headphones are cracked on the band where they connect to the actual speaker housing. But that’s not the worst as I have insurance…it’s the ear cups.

I feel like they used a cheap leather and even cheaper glue to stitch it all together. The ear cups/pads are barely 6 months old, possibly even less & the leather is peeling off of itself, it’s opening at the seams where it was “stitched” or pressed together, and the entire pads themselves are coming unglued from the plastic mounting ring…which apparently is proprietary so I can’t get a cheaper replacement (Austrian Audio sells replacement pads for $70usd…)

This has been going on since about 4-6 months after I initially bought them, causing me to request new pads from support within the first year of ownership.

In the past, their support team seemed eager to help and resolve the issue, however I feel this is purely a design flaw at this point and it’s almost impossible to get ahold of anyone as I’ve been waiting for awhile for an email back. Are there any options I have to possibly fix this myself (prolly don’t have access to the glue or something)

If not, is there any recommendations, based on my usage and requests, that could be given to buy new ones?

New cans must be:

  • 1/4 connector
  • closed back
  • large ear cups/pads to fit my ear inside
  • fit a large melon sized head
  • preferably NOT leather pads or headband…
  • worn for anywhere from 8-16 hours a day (work & play)

Please leave any recommendations here. Price point is VERY open as I am more inclined to spend money on something I won’t have to upgrade in less than a year or two.



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[deleted] t1_j8sgckw wrote



superthrust OP t1_j8smtme wrote

I def posted there too, thank you.

I wanted to post in both places for exposure to both communities and hope I can get a good spread of recommendations as my point of argument and requests are pretty specific.


Hitorijanae t1_j8u0869 wrote

Have you looked into the Focal Elegia?


superthrust OP t1_j8u6kla wrote

This is the first I’ve heard of this.

Also, happy cake day!

Edit: also, how can I determine the size of my ear cups/size of the holes for my ears to fit into??


iankost t1_j8xxcqy wrote

I have the Focal Radiance and they work well for gaming/footsteps and sound good with music etc.

They don't seem to have the issues earlier Focals had either.


superthrust OP t1_j8xytaz wrote

Are they open or closed back?

1/4 inch cable?

And do you know how well the sound compares to the listener pro?


iankost t1_j8y48r4 wrote

They're closed back, and have a 1/4 inch connector in the box.

Not sure what the listener Pro sounds like, but the Radiance have good, punchy bass - I'd recommend trying to go listen to some options if possible though, as what se people love, others think is just meh, haha.


superthrust OP t1_j8ygj0y wrote

I agree. I heard good things about the audio technical ones and some beyerdynamics but my ears didn’t fit in one and the other was OKAY…nothing special and I maxed out the head band size…big heads suck


justausername99 t1_j8uvmd2 wrote

They have notoriously poor build as well. Cracking even when being gentle with them.


Hitorijanae t1_j8wzei1 wrote

Fair, I've had my Elex's for about a year and a half and they've held up well, but I also have a kinda round head lol