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AdAlternative9011 OP t1_j9ui7t7 wrote

By the Merc vs BMW comaprison I was going for the elegancy vs sportiness aspect, otherwise you’re right.

Rip off? If you can afford the product and not unhappy after buying it why would it be a rip off? Sure it’s expensive but you don’t get the same sound from any other 600 series headphones. If you actually like a 6XX or 600 sound signature more than the 660S2, good for you because you don’t have to spend 2x or 3x the money and you’ll be happy. My point was that judging the sound quality by the price of the S2 the way some reviews did is not okay. It would be if they were the same exact headphones just more expensive but that’s not the case.


[deleted] t1_j9ujfxe wrote

Both companies offer sporty as well as luxury vehicles though.

It's a rip off, because the HD 600/650 perform better at half the price.

If they were the same exact headphone at a higher price that would be bad enough. As it stands, it's a WORSE headphone at a higher price.

In a vacuum the S2 is fine, I guess. But in the real world it's pricing is really uncompetitive.

Doesn't mean you can't like it. All it means is that it is very poor value.

Edit: Lmao, as soon as someone does not partake in the circlejerk, the downvotes come in. Ya'll would be right at home in the CCP, they too cannot take criticism ;)


HypercolourBlue t1_j9ul161 wrote

Have you actually heard the 660S2?


[deleted] t1_j9um4y9 wrote

Nope and I am not interested.

I already loathe myself for paying extra to get the 660S instead of the 600.


OppositeStrength t1_j9uvkng wrote

Why are you so comfortable in criticizing him for buying the S2, when it is better than the S1 which you own and I'm guessing paid more than 600/650 money for, when you by your own logic have the worst of the bunch for the second highest price?

I have the HD650, tested the HD660S1 and just received the HD660S2. To me it is a definite upgrade over the 650 as I vastly prefer its clean, clear and detailed sound, I never quite came around to the warmer sound of the 650 and eq didn't solve that. The 600 might have been the best price to performance for me, and I might even go for them still once I sell my 650, but saying he's wrong for enjoying them doesn't make any sense, especially from your standpoint.


[deleted] t1_j9uwaq1 wrote



headphones-ModTeam t1_j9wv1de wrote

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But they're wrong!

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AdAlternative9011 OP t1_j9ukkci wrote

It is a very subjective opinion that the 600/650 is better. I think both the 660S and S2 are better sounding headphones for ME and that’s the important part. I won’t use headphones that are worse by my taste just because they’re cheaper. For me both the 660S and S2 worth every penny. If you or anybody thinks differently that’s okay but telling people that these are a rip off is very misleading at the least.


[deleted] t1_j9ulmvg wrote

I don't think it's misleading at all.

They charge nearly double, but for what? Different tuning?

The build is the same, although you get an extra cable.

That must be ONE expensive cable then :)

From where I stand you could just get the HD 600, boost the bass a bit and reduce the treble, using EQ to get the S2 for half the price.

So yea, I think the S2 is daylight robbery.


[deleted] t1_j9wv13d wrote



[deleted] t1_j9x9j8y wrote

A notch at 4k is something that happens, when you fuck up the tuning process.


AdAlternative9011 OP t1_j9umoef wrote

If you show me where I can EQ, I mean really EQ any headphones on my iPad that would cool. Or should I buy a Mac to use apple music and be able to EQ properly? Then we are talking about 1000$+ of money spending. I see your point but it is not valid in my use case.


[deleted] t1_j9uobq0 wrote

EQ software is free on windows and android. Your fault for choosing a restrictive ecosystem, I guess.

But a quidelix 5k has EQ and doubles as a DAC amp for 120 bucks.

HD 600 + DAC/amp with PEQ still costs less than the S2.



ultra_prescriptivist t1_j9upv1r wrote

Wait, are you saying that 1) iPads can't use Apple Music, and 2) there's no app on iOS that lets you apply a parametric EQ?


AdAlternative9011 OP t1_j9uq93c wrote

1, I did not say that. Apple music is literally open on the picture. 2, If you know one let me know.


ultra_prescriptivist t1_j9uqoab wrote

Ah, so you meant use Apple Music and EQ together. Gotcha.

I have no idea about Apple stuff, so I was just surprised.


kaspers126 t1_j9w4qdk wrote

Why is it a worse headphone than the other 6x0 headphones?