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AdAlternative9011 OP t1_j9valq8 wrote

Well, I think the 660S tuned by Beats/Sony describes the sound of the S2 really well. At the same time it has the classic Sennheiser flavor.


D00M98 t1_j9vtkxr wrote

I cannot comment on S2, since I haven't heard it.

However, Beats and Sony (consumer grade) headphones do not have good reputation and are not known as good match for audiophile sound. So associating S2 with Beats and Sony is not a compliment.


CrowVsWade t1_j9w52fr wrote

That's a wildly broad statement, at least on Sony. Some of their higher end products are quite good. They may not be trendy in a sub like this, but to write anything off because it's branded Sony is revealing, and not of an honest appraisal of headphones, unless a user's experience level only hits mass market <$300 models.


D00M98 t1_j9wezbc wrote

Not sure what you are reading. That was exactly my statement: "Sony (consumer grade)".


CrowVsWade t1_j9wxiyq wrote

Apologies if I misread - it seemed you were suggesting Sony headphones have a deservedly poor rep making any comparison to them unflattering.


HongKong_Bussy_Lmao t1_j9x7wre wrote

And even then Sony's premium audiophile overears are much less critically acclaimed than their IEMs


AdAlternative9011 OP t1_j9xbey1 wrote

I don’t understand the downvotes on my comment because it is how it feels like and I didn’t mean it in a bad way. As I said in my longer “review” the S2 feels like the most consumer oriented tuning of the whole 600 lineup at least to me and for people who listen to a wide variety of music like me it’s actually better than the others in this lineup. However for instrumental, acoustic, vocal focused very mid heavy songs I would pick the 660S over the S2 although any song with a slight bass will sound enjoyable on the S2 and this is what I meant by saying Sony/Beats tuning.