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GHOSTVIPERZ28 OP t1_j9hqmyq wrote

Going closed back inherently narrows the soundstage. In this case though, Im assuming that it doesn't narrow it quite as much with the amount of room the wide earcups allow.


FKSSR t1_j9hvj4h wrote

Is that always true? I am honestly asking, because I feel my DT770's have wider soundstage than the 6XX's I just sold to a friend. But I have never done a modification like you did to an open back to see the difference with closing them off.


GHOSTVIPERZ28 OP t1_j9i12uj wrote

You're in luck, I also have both the DT770's on hand as well as the DT990's. I just spent the last 20 minutes scrutinizing all 3, and I would say the 990's are a teensy bit wider than my 6XX, but the 770 is a bit narrower than my modded 6XX. (No EQ or Crossfeed)

I would add though, that in my possibly biased opinion, my 6XX's now respond well to crossfeed in the L and R channels. I've sometimes played sound in them thinking my monitor speakers were on instead!


FKSSR t1_j9i5ghr wrote

Nice. Thanks for the comparison!


hurtyewh t1_j9i3n9k wrote

Closing the same design narrows the stage. DT990 is bigger than DT770, which has a rather big stage for a closed back.


DasGutYa t1_j9j93yn wrote

6xx have a tiny soundstage even compared to closed backs, this mod would do nothing but make it smaller unless there is zero damping and the cups are giving off resonances and harmonic distortion all over the place.


Selpran t1_j9hwcta wrote

DT770s are an anomaly for closed back Soundstage


FKSSR t1_j9hww08 wrote

Gotcha. Thanks. I pretty much only wear open backs except for two closed backs in rare circumstances. ☺️


NationOfSheeps t1_j9hyiz7 wrote

Do you actually prefer the 770 pro?


FKSSR t1_j9hzzt5 wrote

Yes. I am one of the weirdos that prefers headphones with a bright presentation. My favorite headphones are the 800s and DT1990's. I sold the 6XX's, because they were too dark for me. I prefer the 560s to the 6XX, personally. :)


NationOfSheeps t1_j9i0bx3 wrote

There are no weirdos here, just different tastes. In my case my tastes are completely opposite haha.


residentatzero t1_j9j2y4u wrote

I have the 6xx, hd599, AKG k371, akg 702, Audiotechnica mx50, etc. Dt770 is the best of the best to me. I stopped following the audiophile community and started listening to my own ears