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09212 t1_ja4th0s wrote

not exactly, but not too far off either

tuning isn't what makes a headphone, technical performance (which includes detail retrieval, staging and imaging, etc) has an equal part to play. the entire build/fit of a headphone also drastically affects the sound. placing one headphone's driver in another's casing would not give you the same sound, for example


huemac5810 t1_ja5a1ax wrote

Sennheiser takes advantage of this by using the same drivers in their whole HD5x5, HD5x8, and HD5x9 lines. Each line uses the same deiver elements, the differences in sound boil down entirely to the housing. HD595, 598, and 599 get the best housings and achieve the best sound. Many would mod the next model below to get the 595/598/599 sound for less money. I've gotten my HD558 sounding better than the three top models.
