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SupOrSalad t1_jadc6t4 wrote

Just a baffle between the front and rear volume, with some paper between it


wonko1980 t1_jadep68 wrote

White noise filter? /s


hyde0000 t1_jads81b wrote

To tune between the space inside headphone cup and the space in the earcup. Generally speaking probably affects bass more.

I'd 100% not touch it unless you know what you're doing or used to modding / tuning headphone. 100% will change sound signature depending on material used and how much it's closed.


redditui t1_jaeddf9 wrote

Acoustic damper. DO NOT remove.


mcjasonb t1_jaejjis wrote

Definitely has to do with how they are tuning the headphones. Probably effects bass mostly.


pkelly500 t1_jaf007d wrote

Baffling for tuning, especially if these are closed backs. A lot of sound bouncing around those closed cups that must be controlled.


rhalf t1_jadq98f wrote

What headphone is that?


Fynniboyy t1_jadfarh wrote

U mean the driver in the middle? Meme Monday was yesterday /s


Due_Lead4742 OP t1_jadgln2 wrote

I mean the white square shaped stuff on the top left


markuspeloquin t1_jaf1owc wrote

The white driver is the only white I see in the picture.


Technical_Dingo1776 t1_jae6xdc wrote

i was going to guess water damage indicator sticker but i don’t think that’s it
