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letsmodpcs t1_j8kbzsn wrote

I bought Sennheiser HD800S + JDS Labs Element III, EQ'd them using u/oratory1990's profile, then tweaked it to taste. I haven't bought anything else. Use-case is mostly gaming (I love the expansive sound and imaging accuracy.)

I'm a geek like most people here, and I don't kid myself into thinking that I'll never buy anything else, but I'm very happy for now. I've had this setup since Spring 2022.


TakeThatRisk t1_j8klxws wrote

I was like this with the element II about 3 years ago.

Now I want speakers :(


letsmodpcs t1_j8kolms wrote

Someday I'll do speakers. For now I have a Logitech speaker system and I tell myself I don't need to upgrade because "when I want good sound, I'll put on my headphones."


thatsuaveswede t1_j8lrgab wrote

Same here. Living in an apartment instead of in a free-standing house also helps keep the speaker budget down.


therealrydan t1_j8lzykx wrote

I've come to the sad realization that I prefer headphones for enjoying music...

(Think it's partly a studio-psychological-damage. I listen to speakers, I move my head, and my mind goes "Whooooooa, what happened to the phase there, and why did the tonality suddenly shift...")


VisceralVoyage420 t1_j8m0dds wrote

I barely use my speakers, getting them to sound good is such a hassle. I'd have to change the entire layout of my home just to improve acoustics a bit.


[deleted] t1_j8m8tn3 wrote



VisceralVoyage420 t1_j8m95ru wrote

Well I haven't been able to get my Elac Debut Reference speakers to sound decent. It really is a hassle to me and I've stopped trying, I already glued acoustic panels onto my walls, I'm not going to deal with bass traps, not only do I not have room for them, they're ugly.


JdeFalconr t1_j8nm7fq wrote

Similar boat here. I adore my M1570's and I also have a set of ATH-R70x that are very good but can't match the soundstage of the M1570. I rarely use either of them for music though I've found both to be exceptional at it. The M1570's have spoiled me and thus far none of the budget hotness you read about on this sub are an upgrade so I've stopped for now.

Your mention of the HD800S has me intrigued, though, and I'm also very interested in the LCD-GX. Though I love the M1570s I've come to appreciate the lighter weight of the R70x. But given that I'm pretty happy right now the cost of an upgrade just doesn't feel justifiable to me.