Submitted by rtv- t3_11bh6bp in headphones

Hello friends!

I dont have many friends who share my passion despite my 3 or 4 hour long headphones tours and passionate lectures! 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ thought I might find some like-minded people here. . .

What got you into headphones? Was it someone showing you their set up? A particular set? What made you go deeper down the rabbit hole? Do you still own/use your first sets?

For me it was a pair of KZ ZSN Pro! I watched some videos by a shrek loving aussie and just went for it! They were so much better than the cheap consumer buds I'd bought locally for the same price!

For over ears it was a second hand set of Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro. I found them dirty and cheap and cleaned them up, replaced pads and headband etc and they've been with me ever since. Still go back to them now!

Interested in everyone's story, thanks for reading.



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fabzzzyyyy t1_j9xxe0a wrote

I was very little maybe 4 5. My das Had that old Stack. Like CD Radio and casette. With an old Sennheiser hd414 i think and thats all. I still Love IT. Now im using 560s and atom dac with Zen can as a daily. Had some Beyers aswell dont Like Them.


rtv- OP t1_j9y0jlm wrote


My dad had a similar system when I was growing up. Still has it actually. He's got about 300 vinyl records from the 60s up to today. He never had headphones though, was hooked up to a multi speaker system he'd worked on over the years.

I've always been interested in the 560s. I have DT990 Pro, AKG K702 and original Grado SR60 at the moment. I really enjoy bright treble so they suit me pretty well. How would you compare the 560s?


fabzzzyyyy t1_j9y0u71 wrote

Personally for me the dt990 are way too bright cant Here Them more than 1 hour. The 560s are very flat very neutral but Not that Bad in treble for me. Good Soundstage and Imaging. I also have a pair of tygr 300r he400se hd660 akg 371. But im Always going Back to 560s. That Sennheiser 500 series IS so comfortable. Can wear Them the whole day. I strechted Them 1 day ON their Box too loosen the clamp a Bit and now i might sell my Others cause they are bot used. Yeah my das also Had alot of Vinyl they were in big boxes. But nowadays He uses Laptop with dac amp and some Headphones.


rtv- OP t1_j9y3jnd wrote

Nice collection. Definitely feel like Sennheiser is in my future. Never owned any but I've been so close to pulling the trigger a few times.

It's funny how we all have different preferences. I'm a firm believer that if you like the sound you get then it's good sound, regardless of price/reputation etc. I guess that's why it's such an engaging hobby.


fabzzzyyyy t1_j9y55dj wrote

Yes definitly. Some Like Beyer some dont some Like Sennheiser some dont. ITs to subjektive and Personal what Linda Sound you Like. But we all Like Headphones.


[deleted] t1_j9xzeei wrote

When I got a new Sony MP3 player in '06 and the in ears that came with it actually had treble and bass, unlike the cheap aldi earbuds that came with my old mp3 player.

Changed my life. I never new bands had a bassist before, neither did I realise that cymbals actually exist.


rtv- OP t1_j9y0tvt wrote

Ahh, that's cool. I remember saving up and getting the 1st gen ipod mini about 2005. The apple buds were truly dreadful but I didn't know any better! Wasn't until about the same time as you I got some Sony in ears and had a similar experince!


mcnabb100 t1_ja074h5 wrote

Definitely the Sony MDR-V6. Real shame they were discontinued. I think I bought mine in 2011 or 2012. My pair had a channel die. Currently listening to drop 6XX’s through a schiit hel2e + a wired mod mic. By far the best gaming headset I’ve had.

On the go I use AirPod pro 2’s but I did just order some KZ pr1 pros to use with my laptop. Will be my first planer magnetic audio anything.


MinKDucK t1_ja11cam wrote

I was chilling on the couch one day and out of nowhere decided I want to get more audio fidelity from my music lmao. Looking back the cheap earbuds that came with my sony phone is actually really good since I ere content with it for so long, I even sought the whole internet for another one as replacement when it broke too.

First ever proper headphones were the sr850, really made me wonder can I get much higher (so high) and it just starts from there. I still put them to use sometimes to remind me how far I went, lots of saving up and too much iems along the way lol. Oh and also dankpods, he's cool.


rtv- OP t1_ja2d7s8 wrote

I always had sony buds between about 2006 and 2019. Various models but they were the only brand I trusted util I looked a bit deeper into the hobby.

I bought a set of SR850 too. Was pleasantly surprised by them for sure. Funnily enough my wife, who isn't into audio gear at all, loves them. She prefers them over my Beyerdynamics, AKG K702 and Grado SR60! They've become her headphones for in the house so I'm pleased they're getting good use.

It's funny with dankpods. He isnt and expert but his enthusiasm just grabbed me! His taste in sound profile seems similar to mine too so I've always enjoyed seeing ehat he recommends.


No-Context5479 t1_ja1g9ho wrote

Samson SR850


rtv- OP t1_ja2de7k wrote

Nice, my wife has claimed my set of SR850s, she loves them! 🤣


Bucdarkness t1_ja1m45x wrote

For me I was already in the hobby, but when I pulled the trigger on the Hifiman He400i it was my first "Audiophile " cans. It was like hearing music for the first time, the song was Tomorrow by Brothers Johnson. The level of detail hearing parts I never heard before, the expansive Soundstage, the crystal highs and accurate bass. IT WAS A WRAP. I love my bassss but hearing the difference of quality vs deep and loud made me understand what hifi truly was.


rtv- OP t1_ja2drto wrote

Always wanted to try Hifiman. Never had the pleasure of listening to planar cans.

I think I'd love it, I like really fast tight bass. It need the lows but if it gets boomy or bloated it ruins the mids for me do planars seem like the next step. Goodbye money. . .

I dont know that song, I've just put it on now so I'll have a listen. . .

Usually into rock/metal as my main preference but I have learnt to love great sounding well produced music of any type since being into headphones.


TheRealTreezus t1_ja638j0 wrote

Definitely because I got a job doing repairs at Audio Technica US a little over a month ago. I had been through various headphones before, primarily because I found it hard to find ones that were comfortable with glasses, or some had different sounds that I found better for gaming/music.

Now that I've been able to listen to cheap and expensive headphones, open and closed back, and headphones with different materials, it's been growing on me to try other brands and different styles and get a good personal setup going.

Planning on dropping ~$100 on a few different chifi IEMs tonight to get the ball rolling.


blucsigma05 t1_ja6d1bc wrote

About 3 months ago I was on my patio listening to music as I do often. I had some bose bc earbuds II, I had "upgraded" twice over the last year (Jabra Elite 75t, Sony wf-1000XM4), I wondered "how good it could get?" So I started researching SQ-focused BT options and ended up with the Focal Bathys. I got on Reddit during this time, read more about wired sound, I have Focal Clear OG, Sony MDR-Z1R, and sony ier-z1r. I Now I'm offically deep down the rabbit hole and loving the journey!