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niubishuaige t1_jaa7exs wrote

Are you using an amplifier? The "Sennheiser Veil" term dates back to the mid-2000s Head-Fi. There were barely any headphone amps to choose from back then and even fewer with high power. "Sennheiser Veil" comes from people were running their HD series out of a soundcard or terrible low end amp when it needs a little more power. Trust me, I have made this mistake as well...

I'm not gonna claim the entire character of the headphone will be transformed with a good amp, but it does get quite a bit better. The HD series scales extremely well with better amps, to the point where a lot of people use it with tube amps costing 10x the headphone's price. Not suggesting that for you of course, I'm just saying you should be using a dedicated amp if you are not already.


Claytonbigsbys t1_jaatpo1 wrote

I used the HD600 with an atom stack and it is indeed veiled (to my ears). That’s just the sound signature. Maybe with a high end tube amp or mods it goes away but it doesn’t need to be “under powered” to sound underwhelming. It depends on the individual’s tastes and preferences