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ramm_master OP t1_jcho8l1 wrote

Thanks for reply, how to notice a change in sound? so far i don't hear rattle or buzzing for example, can double sided tape help to undent it without removing the cover?


Hydrosplash t1_jchpmmr wrote

Use a full sine sweep for testing and pay attention to any unusual sounds especially in the bass region. I think it's doable with the tape but you'd have to be extra careful to not apply too much force.


ramm_master OP t1_jchrpni wrote

I tested on many left right, different frequencies and bass heavy videos on youtube and on higher volume, didn't notice any unusual sound or change yet.


Hydrosplash t1_jcht8ca wrote

Then i guess the damage is not significant enough to cause any audible changes, if there's no distortion - you're good.


ramm_master OP t1_jchx9sa wrote

I don't hear any distortion, but i'm very angry about how stupidly i handled it and concerned there are some frequency changes because of the dents, don't know if i should try the tape method or just leave it, didn't know this plastic is so very thin and bendable with even a soft touch.