Submitted by GRAYtheIDIOT t3_124e3p7 in headphones
I currently use my er2xr iems for just about everything when I am home (when I’m not home I use wf1000xm4) they have become my favorite iems I’ve ever had. Because I live in a noisy apartment I like to use these when gaming and watching tv. When gaming I just plug them into my ps5 controller and when watching tv I connect them to my phone and use the Roku apps private listening mode. If anyone has any affordable ideas to use my iems with my tv in a way that doesn’t have as much latency, as I’m sure these methods do, fire off ideas in the comments. If not I’ll keep doing what I’m doing because the sound quality and immersion is still shockingly good in this method.
Overall_Falcon_8526 t1_jdz1ck5 wrote
You don't mention whether your TV has Bluetooth. But if it does, an inexpensive Bluetooth receiver like the Fiio BTR3 will do the job. I don't notice any lag when I listen this way.
If your TV doesn't have Bluetooth capability, there are also Bluetooth transmitters that hook up to RCA and optical outputs.