Submitted by NoobBrawler0211 t3_1253f1s in headphones

I just bought a used pair of focal elear and have found out that focal headbands are known to snap. I've seen people use hifiman headbands as a replacement but I can't find any available online. Then I find out that the sundara yoke can fit into a beyerdynamic headband so I am looking to find a yoke from a sundara. This is all for the worst case that my new to me elear breaks.




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ArkhamKnight0708 t1_je2tcn6 wrote

You might be able to email Hifiman Support and ask for them.

Other options include buying the whole assembly or getting the cheaper comfort headband that they sell. It apparently has the right dimensions. Apparently Audeze headbands also work and I'll be testing that soon when I receive mine


1trickana t1_je2waxs wrote

"known to snap" mate it's like a 1/100,000 chance of it happening, insanely rare. There's probably what, 500k+ focals out there if not more? I can count on one hand the amount of headband snap posts on this sub.