Submitted by JavaliRacing t3_126ienu in headphones

Hi there! I bought a HD599SE and I like those very much, but I don't seem to see much posts or videos talking about them or the HD599. I thought it was a good value. I bought it for 65€ on sale.

A friend of mine bought a HD560s and tried my HD599. He said that the sund was a bit more muffled.

Are this headphones any good? Or did I make a bad purchase?



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Gr33hn t1_je9fmg8 wrote

If you like them then they are fine and definitely not a bad purchase.

No one talks about them because they are fairly old and most things that needed to be said about them have been done so already.


NotNerd-TO t1_je9g1yu wrote

I love the HD599 and for the sale price which they are frequently at, there is not much better. If they sound good to you, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The HD599 puts up a hell of a fight for its price (though its normal RRP is too high, it seems to rarely go for that in the UK at least). I know I have recommended them many times on this sub and other forums.


JavaliRacing OP t1_je9km6m wrote

Thanks. Sometimes I think I should have bougth the 560s... But it would be double the price. I guesse you're right


NotNerd-TO t1_jec2u1w wrote

Considering the difference between the HD599 and the HD650, the difference between the HD599 and the HD560s is not going to be that much at all, especially to the untrained ear.


rhalf t1_je99107 wrote

Nothing wrong with it and it's alright at this price. HD560s are a bit more expensive. It's the same headphone but tuned better. HD599 benefit from EQ. There is an autoEQ profile for them in Equaliser Apo that extends the lows and highs.


FlintTheKing t1_je9d434 wrote

I recently purchased a new set of headphones and follwed Zeos advice of sticking them in a drawer and playing various types of music through them for a week to 'burn them in'. Whether this is actually a thing or not, I'm not sure, I think that the small, tight, muffled sound that I heard when I first listened to them has improved and they have 'opened up'.

Up to you but worth a try, all the best :)


Mc_JuicyFruit t1_je9f5bu wrote

If you like how it sounds and feel like it was worth the money then it’s good


slammed430 t1_jebueqw wrote

Nah I own both. I’ve had my 599 for over 5 years I absolutely love them and I use them more than any headphone for gaming. I find them more comfy than my 560s even though they’re similar. The 560 is in technical terms better but the 599 has a pretty good mid bass curve that sennheiser loves to do and I love it. Tbh most of the time I use peace apo and just turn on the premade bass setting. Those things just have the most relaxed sound to them that I could listen to for hours and I do. I own a lot of headphones and the 599 have always been my most thrown on pair. 599 for that price is great. I just think of them as different personally


JavaliRacing OP t1_jebyho8 wrote

OK, maybe I'm just curious to try other headphones. I started to watch a lot of audiophile content and that may be the reason to doubt my purchase


slammed430 t1_jebzp0j wrote

Welcome to the headphone world everyone does it! Trust me I’ve bought and returned way too many sets. Phillips x2hr we’re my first “audiophile” headphones and the 599 followed quickly after. I have bought way too many sets after that but for whatever reason I just love my 599s more than anything. Great soundstage, stupid comfy, reliable, solid sound but just a little ugly. I’ve gone deeper down the rabbit hole than a lot of others and I believe this should be one of the first audiophile headphones anyone should get. If these ever break I will instantly buy another set.


daddyyeslegs t1_jecbg9z wrote

You can probably EQ them to sound nearly indistinguishable from the 560s, given how similar their build is.


C4RB0N t1_jeeyqoc wrote

It's a good headphone for the price you paid. I had the 598/599 for a while before moving on to others.


szakee t1_je98lqk wrote

there's countless reviews. feel free to use google.