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[deleted] t1_je5hi2y wrote



PsyOmega t1_je5qu63 wrote

Tell me more...


radrod69 t1_je5rv9t wrote

You know how with the stock pads it can sound a little grainy? You'd be surprised how much detail they can put out just by switching the pads. Clarity goes through the roof. It does change the tonality though making it a bit flatter but still retains most of its soundstage and imaging capabilities.


Traxad t1_je62wty wrote

What type of foam do you use? I love my DT770 and while I don't mind the sibilance at all, they can get a bit fatiguing in one long sitting.


radrod69 t1_je651rv wrote

Hey, right now I'm using the stock DT 1990 Foam, but only because they become sibilant with the Dekoni Elite Velours. If you find the stock 770 pads sibilant, I'd recommend trying the DIYAudioHeaven Paper Towel Mod. It's exactly what it sounds like, just cut out a circle of paper towel and stick it between the driver and the stock 770 Foam.

Paper towel is more precise than the foam because it's less drastic of a change, and you can add as much paper towel as you need until you find the sound you're looking for. It doesn't affect anything noticeably except for the peak in my experience.