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iMagZz OP t1_je5imdf wrote

Why do you think some people may not enjoy it?


dyang707 t1_je5mcqj wrote

I recently got the Noires and really enjoy them but they def have a high treble peak that's not for everyone. They give you 3 different pads you can insert to curve the treble peak to your liking but you lose a little detail of you do that. Fantastic headphones if the treble doesn't bother you, or you don't mind compromising a little detail to dampen the treble.


xoriatis71 t1_je5t5cz wrote

Why not just EQ them, instead of changing the pads?


Qazax1337 t1_je6sear wrote

You can but not everyone likes EQ or is using a source where EQ is possible. So alternate options are appreciated by some. I use mine with no pads as I love them as they come.


1arghavan t1_je5mosa wrote

It's a bit bright and using the foam pads kills some of the details. It's also not the most dynamic or hard hitting bass when compared to some dynamic driver headphones (Focal, Fostex, E-MU).


OkRazzmatazz7121 t1_je687oa wrote

A lot of the DCA headphones lack in dynamics, in other words they lack the punch and slam of say Focal headphones. My opinion (and that of many others) btw


SherbetRuler t1_je5qsqu wrote

I find them a bit boring compared to some other headphones, or at least compared to others I own. They are very competent tonally (and come with tuning pads for minor adjustments), but they lack the impact and dynamics I would normally look for. It doesn't lack bass, but it has a somewhat polite feeling and presentation to it.

As I described it to a friend once, it's like a butler was bringing my music to me rather than a normal waitress. It's the same song, just more polite


ttdpaco t1_je5s6cu wrote

They sound bright, flat, and have a compressed quality to them. Granted, I feel the same about Hifiman orthos - though that's not a popular opinion.


InFortunaWeLust t1_je66plm wrote

from my own take, compressed soundstage and lack of dynamics is the simplest i can put it.

detail is great and everything is soft except the treble

they take eq well and are the most comfortable headphones ive ever worn, which negates most of the con's for me


Juicy_Oranges t1_je9hjk3 wrote

I had the Aeon Noire for a week and really wasn't sold.
The treble really hurt my ears on many songs, even with the "lvl 3" dampening inserts, even as a Beyerdynamic user.

Speaking of Beyerdynamic: I know this isn't a fair comparison, since it's open vs closed back, but my Dt 1990 completely smacks the Aeon 2 Noire in terms of imaging and resolution for less than, or around half the price.