Submitted by PRESWEDENT t3_1259aaj in headphones

Does anyone know what type of part that used to hold this headset together here?

I'd imagine it's some form of screw, but there's a wire going through the opening so I'm bot entirely sure about that.

As a follow up question, does anyone know of a place that sells spare parts like this? I've checked the official replacement parts store for Philips products and they have nothing for it.



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GamingCupcake t1_je3dmqc wrote

It might help if you provide the brand and model of your headphone.


rhalf t1_je3uk5w wrote

I don't know a place that can help you, but there's another piece on the other side of the headphone and you can at least look at it to know what to look for.

Anyway, it looks like the plastic axis snapped in half. you need to open the eacup to get the other half out and substitute it with somehting made of metal tubing and putty.


rhalf t1_je3z1ig wrote

Ah it's on warranty. That changes things. You should just get it replaced by Philips.

I can't see the part so I can't help you much, but usually this axis goes through the holes from the outside and there's a groove that has a matching ring in the earcup that keeps it from falling out. Then there's a retaining clip on this groove that locks it in place. It may be hard to take it off.

Things like that can be made with DIY methods, and tools are welcome. You know, measuring calipers, a saw, sanding paper and about an hour of free time. You can't just repair it, you need to reconstruct the entire part. You do that with metal tubes or rods and whatever you can think of that you glue together to make that shape. If done right, it's more durable then the original part. OF course people who can model in 3D use printers for that.