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Hydrosplash t1_jdkig55 wrote

Yes, you're doing things wrong when matching headphones. To properly equalize 612 and hd600 for example you have to take into account that these have a completely different upper treble presentation with different placement of upper treble peaks and it can drastically impact this "resolution" and "soundstage" etc etc. You really have to do this the way OP did, using microphones and measurements to precisely match every single part of the FR or at least bring them as close as possible and even then there's no guarantee that you're gonna have a same FR for both at the eardrum.


ICoeuss OP t1_jdkso8n wrote

This. The only two notable imperfections about this method are these two initial assumptions:
1- If two identical sounds enter the ear canals, they will sound identical to the ear drums.
2- When more than one particular frequency is played, how the headphones react to the input will not deviate from their FR.