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Amaakaams t1_jdkxpnv wrote

Wait your working theory is that the super secretive Project Red is a Crin retune of an already released product that Crin tuned?


ArkhamKnight0708 OP t1_jdky129 wrote

The goal of the Zero was to get a great Harman tuning with a DD exclusively for sub bass. Project Red could be a similar thing but for his ideal tuning. I'm not saying it couldn't be different though but the whole exterior is currently near identical to the Zero


Amaakaams t1_jdl0ddf wrote

I don't know know it looks generically pie/arrow shape. Maybe a little more Zero than some others. But along those lines it also looks like it could be something from 64 Audio.

Just joshing about the whole Crin already tuned it portion. But even as someone as prevalent in the Reviewer/Tuner world. Reproaching your own work this quickly would be a bit odd.


ArkhamKnight0708 OP t1_jdl0yuf wrote

I'm basing the shape and looks off an impression I read. He said it was essentially a red Zero. Same size, shape, and overall look.

Crin could essentially position it as a different flavor of the same thing for those that don't like Harman. Perhaps it could fill the gap that the now defunct KZ partnership left? There's currently not a ~$50 IEF neutral tuned IEM from Crin


scrappyuino678 t1_jdliix5 wrote

>There's currently not a ~$50 IEF neutral tuned IEM from Crin

Salnotes zero πŸ’€

As for the project red it seems like an interesting IEM but the bass shelf does look a bit lean, would wait for the final product though


AshravenPB t1_jdmu1b1 wrote

Salnotes Zero isn’t true IEF neutral since it has a bass boost.


scrappyuino678 t1_jdmv1tq wrote

>since it has a bass boost.

Then nothing is true IEF neutral with the ER3SE coming in closest in tuning πŸ’€


Warpath- t1_jdqbflt wrote

7th acoustics proxima is pretty much it


Not_FrenchBTW t1_jdv59jc wrote

they are the same case and driver setup as the zero from what i could tell. also heard them at canjam singapore and they are fantastci


rhalf t1_jdlbumc wrote

In audio the best products are those that were iterated many times in a slow evolutionary manner.


Amaakaams t1_jdmbjyf wrote

Keyword, slow you can do a lot of iterations by prototyping. When you offer a product for sale you assume you got it right. Any rush to iterate usually comes from 2 things. 1. It's a disappointment and doesn't perform like you expect. 2. The product has been out long enough that sales have leveled or dropped off and you think a new iteration will boost sales again.

Think Blessing vs Blessing 2 vs Blessing 3. The B2 came out within a year of the B1 because it was a disappointment. Whereas the B3 is coming out almost 3 years after the B2.

The Zero hasn't been out for very long. It's hardware has already been tuned by Crin. It's sold reasonably well. While it is entirely possible that it is either a new release or SE with a different tune based on the zero hardware. The typical reasons for something like this don't really apply.


mqtpqt t1_jdkvtni wrote

oh wow it's red

didn't expect it to be that colour


rhalf t1_jdkwrv6 wrote

It's also blured.

Didn't expect that acuity.


mqtpqt t1_jdky943 wrote

it's not released, that's why


lemmewinks184 t1_jdlxtq2 wrote

It's identical to the Truthear Zero in terms of shell/nozzle cable etc. Just replace the purple faceplate with a red hue shown in the picture and that is it. My friend auditioned it at canJam SG today.


TagalogON t1_jdl5wue wrote

Btw already has some info on Project Red:

Basically Project Red (it's like v3.0b or something right now (check the graphs or crinacle's social media), some new people will try it at CanJam Singapore this weekend) is apparently like a red Truthear Zero in terms of looks and then for the expected price it might be $50-100 or so.

This blurred kinda picture confirms the info and so pricing is the only one that is undetermined for now. Hopefully Project Red is near $50, need constant market disruption for real, win for us consumers.


TRX808 t1_jdoa130 wrote

For sure a win for consumers with the heavy competition but the <$100 price bracket is getting so competitive that it's getting boring. You can pretty much throw a dart at a wall of IEM's and get a good one, it mostly just comes down to preferred tuning, fit, accessories.


SlavJerry t1_jdl01um wrote

I think it's solid now tht project red is the new zero


MastiffMike t1_jdln24s wrote

I find the Zero to be uncomfortable and I guess that means this won't work for me either. Darn you toddler ear canals!!!!


ArkhamKnight0708 OP t1_jdlzz1e wrote

I've got the exact same issue unfortunately


MastiffMike t1_jdnz4hg wrote

I've started making nozzle diameter a consideration when buying IEMs. Unfortunately, a lot of manufacturers don't include it in the posted specs, so it can take some effort to find it. As for body shape/size, that can usually be guesstimated when watching reviews. But in my case, to make things trickier, it seems that nozzle angle and length can have a huge impact on my comfort and that's really hard to determine without trying the IEMs on.

For instance, two of my favorite inexpensive IEMs (Mele and FiiO FH1) have wider nozzles than ideal (5.8mm & 6.0mm), but the body shapes and nozzle angle are such a great fit for me that overall I find them very darn comfortable. (not quite IE300 comfortable, but those things are uber tiny).

The upside to all this is I only own 30 IEMs whereas if I could comfortably wear more sets I'd probably have triple that, so it's saving me money! The downside of course is I own 20+ IEMs that I pretty much never use.


TRX808 t1_jdo9qte wrote

HifiGo uses a caliper for nozzle size on a lot of IEM's like this. I wish it was consistent though, many don't have measurements posted.


MastiffMike t1_jdpkn55 wrote

I own that same exact caliper ($9.99 from Bezos)!

I bought it solely to be able to measure IEMs so that I could have reference numbers to what dimensions do/don't work for me and to (more) accurately compare the fit and sizes of IEMs.

I do really appreciate the heads-up about them showing images with nozzle diameters! That's going to be very helpful!


iplaydrunk99 t1_jdlze8l wrote

Hopefully, it is better than TruthHear Zero Coz that set is shouty as hell, The Khan is more enjoyable to me


ArkhamKnight0708 OP t1_jdmax6k wrote

We've got graphs of Project Red and when comparing the most recent revision to the Zero it seems to have slightly less upper mids. It very closely follows the IEF Neutral target curve


VisceralVoyage420 t1_jdlgxvi wrote

What's the point? Another cheap IEM that doesn't do anything new.


vext01 t1_jdlxmuf wrote

That's what you get for hanging around in out of focus areas.