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heyyoudvd t1_jbvewn0 wrote

It’s funny, I’ve noticed that people who bash Abyss are generally those who have never listened to them, whereas those who have listened almost universally praise them.

I’ve never heard an Abyss product nor do I ever see myself spending that kind of money on any headphone, but I do find it interesting to see the disparity in opinion between those who have actually tried the products vs those who haven’t. The anti-Abyss thing really does seem to be a bandwagon.


Alternative-Farmer98 t1_jbvnnyc wrote

I don't think it's a bandwagon, the head of that company was selling $3,000 cables. And still sells ridiculously inflated cables, and makes very spurious arguments about their value proposition.

It's not a bandwagon. it's just a lot of people find that kind of snake oil to be problematic. That seems like a good enough reason without having to want to jump on a bandwagon.

If you do a little bit of research you can learn more the details and it is pretty odious.

This is not to say the product doesn't sound good, I'll probably never know bc I can't afford to try it. Which is true for 99% of people.

But, I don't consider him to be an honest businessman or at the very least he is advancing very spurious theories about cables and that's reason enough for people to be skeptical.


heyyoudvd t1_jbvuhsl wrote

There’s a difference between being expensive or even pointless vs being snake oil.

People call audio gear like this snake oil, but I don’t think that’s quite right. When you walk into a Best Buy and they try to sell you a $200 HDMI cable with your TV, that’s snake oil. They’re selling it to average Joes who don’t know any better and think they have to spend exorbitant amounts of money on the cable to get good picture quality for the TV they just bought.

With something like Abyss/JPS cables, those are not being marketed to normal people. No one is getting ‘fooled’ by them. Those are products that are sold to people who are well acquainted with the high end audio world and are already spending many thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars on gear. And their argument is that it may improve the sound quality by maybe 2%. Is it bullshit? Probably. I have no reason to believe an expensive cable like that will do absolutely anything for the sound. But my point is that no one is being gaslit or bamboozled. It’s people who are already spending insane amounts of money, who think maybe they can squeeze out that last teeny tiny bit of performance with a super expensive cable.

If someone wants to spend their money on that, let them. But a $200 cable from Best Buy is FAR more egregious than a $3000 cable from JPS. The former is an attempt to fool you; the latter is just hardcore enthusiasts blowing their money on a hobby they love. That’s their choice. If they want to waste money on something that won’t change the sound, that’s completely up to them.

Basically, just because something is expensive and pointless doesn’t mean it’s a scam. I could go out and buy a $10,000 bottle of Scotch. Will it taste any better than a $150 bottle? No. But that doesn’t mean it’s a scam. If I choose to waste my money on that, that’s on me.


Kryceck OP t1_jbvruln wrote

Their headphones, snake oil allegations and all that aside, are really solid. Personally, they have my favorite house sound out of all the brands I've tried and the Diana offerings were my personal favorites. The 1266 I had some mixed feelings on, but I can admit that they're a very technically capable headphone, even if it wasn't a tuning I was as fond of as the Dianas. I can understand why there's a bandwagon regarding their business practices and whatnot, but as for their headphones? I think people should audition them first hand if they're able to. They're really a one of a kind planar headphone in my opinion 🤷