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leebo462 t1_jchwjo6 wrote

Hopefully it can tell the dude in the picture that his headphones are on backwards


Zeroarm66 t1_jcigi4d wrote

You didn’t know? All the cool kids pee their pants and wear their premium headphones backwards… duh


yosoysimulacra t1_jckr040 wrote

Consider me Miles Davis?


csdoubleyou t1_jcr86ur wrote

Jimi played his guitar upside-down, just sayin’…this nerd is channeling his inner Jimi with all the things, keyboard, posture, headphones….


chupacabra314 t1_jchzzoi wrote

Lol that's the first thing I saw in this image. I need help.


overlander_1 t1_jcj1vog wrote

few, thought i'd been wearing them backwards all this time


flecom t1_jcilk8o wrote

Also those monitors are waaayyyyy too high up, bad ergonomics


redstangxx t1_jcm3ojz wrote

eh, not if he wants to fit his laptop monitor underneath like that.


flecom t1_jcokpos wrote

it's still bad ergonomics?

convenient maybe if that's the configuration you want but you are going to be causing quite a bit of neck strain


XTornado t1_jcjvbko wrote

I like to think that his connector is on the right and he switched by software the side to have a less bothering cable or he find the more confortable this way and that all is fine.