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Elidyr90 t1_je6nrus wrote

Wanna hear something even more outrageous? Most of my audio purchases are IEMs.

Mainly because I listen to music all over the house and when I’m outside, so I’d rather spend the big bucks on something I use 80% of my music-listening time.

As for speakers,

  1. I don’t want to annoy my neighbours
  2. I’d have to basically redecorate my whole living room to get good acoustics. Yeah no.

BC_LOFASZ OP t1_je6o97w wrote

Mine too.

For me it's because I can't use open backs because it bothers my mother, so I buy IEMs that I can carry around with me.


brokeskoolboi t1_je6xnzk wrote

Not sure if people are down voting you because you live with your mother, or because they think there’s no way you use speakers if you can’t even use open backs lol.


BC_LOFASZ OP t1_je6y6pi wrote

I didn't say I use speakers. I just tried them with expensive headphones, and this was my conclusion, that speakers are better.

I didn't know about room treatment and other stuff tho


kba1907 t1_je7gi8b wrote

I much prefer IEMs, esp when listening to music in bed. I get better sound from my OEMs, but IEMs are generally more practical for my uses (voice and listening to higher range music)