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Urpsurps OP t1_jdoznne wrote

I was just browsing in my local bin store when my wife said, β€œHey, look at these, are they any good.” Wow! Only $8! They sound pretty good. Not a bad deal for $8! When walked out of the store everyone clapped.

I still kinda like the sound of my Sundaras more. Does anyone know of any mods for these? Would some Dekoni pads improve the sound? They kinda have a veil that bugs me.


rhalf t1_jdqqcsj wrote

You can replace the lightbulbs with LEDs to brighten it up.


gonomon t1_jdt9eb5 wrote

I am sure you can replace those LEDs with RGB LEDs then you can sell those around 99$ to some gamer.


PutPineappleOnPizza t1_jdqwkfc wrote

I appreciate your shitpost comment more than the image lmao.. It's just so accurate


daddyyeslegs t1_jdrrj1c wrote

You forgot to include that after your wife showed them to you, you had to Google them to check the price!


ddre54 t1_jdskajj wrote

Try removing the golden filters on the ear-cups, that will help with opening them up and removing the veil


CaveManta t1_jdtdd15 wrote

You need cable risers. A few drones should do the trick.