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Dust-by-Monday t1_jdkdtfh wrote

They sound 90% the same. 660s is technically better, but both of their tones are very similar. I’d say the 6XX is better sounding tone wise, but the 660s does everything else better.


homeless8X t1_jdm1ezz wrote

Is it true that 660s has more “veil” than 6xx?


Dust-by-Monday t1_jdnu6je wrote

No. I hear no veil in either to be honest


homeless8X t1_jdo3vny wrote

Thanks. Because that’s what always bothered me in other reviews.


Dust-by-Monday t1_jdo4ft4 wrote

I think I read that they’ve changed them over the years. The old 650s had a much darker sound.