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PsychwardSlippers t1_jdizqx6 wrote

I'm glad I bought mine years ago. That sucks. The case is great for long term storage. They're still a heck of a deal though.


QueasyFailure t1_jdj1avm wrote

Hell, the much more expensive S2's don't come in the nice box anymore.


kazuviking t1_jdj2dkd wrote

This is what happens when quality is getting cut and you give your soul to the chinese.


TRX808 t1_jdj3hus wrote

A lot of the manufacturers are cutting costs on the boxes. I don't put them out for show anyway so I'm all for it if they can keep prices lower. (Yeah I know the 6XX has gone up in price but it's still $200 every few months which I think continues to be a good value.)


Shrinra t1_jdj3snl wrote

Mine are scheduled to be delivered later today, so I couldn't tell you from personal experience yet, but from the latest pictures that people have been posting on Drop, they unfortunately don't. :( It looks like quite a recent change too. I'm a bummer. I really wanted the fancy box with hinges and the foam inserts.


SupOrSalad t1_jdj4u1f wrote

I guess so. The 600, 650, and 660s haven't come with the hard box for a few years now


Friskyseal t1_jdjc5y9 wrote

I think this is good news; the old packaging was wasteful. Most people are either going to throw out the box or just store it to gather dust. Anyone that actually needs a hard case for transporting these headphones frequently (???) can buy one separately. It's kind of ridiculous for $200 plastic headphones to come in such an elaborate case that weighs significantly more than the headphones themselves, think of all the extra weight and cost and environmental impact moving all that around the world for what is essentially a marketing gimmick ("the unboxing experience") that most people don't care about. Fine, if you want to spend $2000 on a headphone, maybe you are entitled to such a gimmick but for these, better to modernize it and keep the price low.

By any chance, can you confirm that yours were made in Ireland?


sadmanh t1_jdjcnbm wrote

god damn, even a year ago they still had one. Although to be honest it's kind of wasteful.


Clean-Explanation-36 t1_jdjerb5 wrote

I mean, it is eco friendly now at least. That box went straight in the trash for me


_Death_BySnu_Snu_ t1_jdjerkd wrote

Most companies are moving towards less waste with their products. Therefore, fewer fancy boxes and less plastic is becoming more common.


aaaiaiaiia2 t1_jdjeu3v wrote

when did you buy yours? I bought mine last month and it still came with the original packaging


WOL6ANG t1_jdjf3di wrote

I just bought a pair in late Jan/early Feb and they came in the hard shell box.

I wonder if maybe my pair was older inventory. Otherwise that must be a very recent change.


CPOx t1_jdjh1vu wrote

I've posted this a couple times over the last year or so.

I work as an engineer in a factory where our products go in corrugated cardboard boxes. The corrugated cardboard market has seen substantial price increases over the last few years. Think about it ... all of a sudden in 2020, the entire world was buying everything online and getting it shipped in cardboard boxes. Cardboard manufacturers had a hard time keeping up with demand and really the prices haven't come back down since then.

You can see the steep increase in slope shortly after 2020 starts here:

So, as an engineer in my company we are tasked basically daily to work on ideas to cut costs to our product. Reducing or eliminating the amount of cardboard that we use is an easy way to cut costs. I never peeled back the layers of my old HD650 box, but I imagine the "interior" of that fancy box was just some kind of dense paper product with some nice looking cosmetic material on the outside.


Joulle t1_jdjho5q wrote

The box should only be used to get the headphones to the customer without the product breaking on the way.

Saves environment anyways and it can't be used to justify costs. Those that really need to carry their headphones around can buy one separately. Though it's pretty nice that my DT1990 came with a carrying case but everyone doesn't need one so it should be a separate product as well. So wasteful.

Although we as customers might still just be getting less for the same price. No idea how sennheiser or any of the other competitors lower their prices in long term if they stop including nice boxes or carrying cases


NubberOne t1_jdjkovt wrote

Looks like a change made for this batch. Posts on Drop still had the box from Feb and my order in March came in same packaging as yours. Box also says made in Ireland, and I believe that the old ones were made in Vietnam? Not sure


Smugsie t1_jdjkpfl wrote

Yeahhhh. Was quite disappointed about this myself... But man do they sound good, forgot about the lack of fancy box in a few minutes :D
Although, the smaller box does ease shipping costs in the event that I intend to sell them. However its' been 2 solid months and I don't think they're going anywhere.


I_do_have_covid t1_jdjl9ht wrote

Who cares about the box, isn't the product itself more important??


Shrinra t1_jdjm6na wrote

USPS just dropped my shipment off a couple of minutes ago, and the outer carton is way too small and light for it to the old packaging. I'm kicking myself for not ordering last month, but I was indecisive and couldn't decide what to buy. Boxes and packaging are actually kind of important to me. Ugh!


ratmfreak t1_jdjmqi7 wrote

I bought a pair like 2 months ago and they came with it.


ThatGuyFromSweden t1_jdjmx20 wrote

Big whoop... As far as I'm concerned, youtubers are the prime audience when it comes to premium unboxing experiences.


Eezywhippet t1_jdjokkw wrote

Environment my arse! They're cutting costs to make more profit. I dont know why they can't be honest about that. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ


f3llyn t1_jdjxq3s wrote

I'd give you mine if I could. I still have the outer packaging that says massdrop, too.


nopunterino t1_jdk0p6r wrote

Mine came with the shell a couple weeks ago


mvw2 t1_jdk96tv wrote

Just got one a few days ago. It's pretty decent. I'm mainly am IEM guy, but I wanted to start collecting a couple touted cans too. My brother has long had a K702 and has a Drop Panda too. I could say the 6XX is in the top 5 of the stuff I own, but it's certainly colored, forward, and has some limitations. I know the 600 is supposed to be more neutral. The 6XX is a little bassy, forward, has high level of detail but doesn't do delicacy well and is generally forward and small in sound stage because of it.


MoonWun_ t1_jdkaeqk wrote

I bought my 660s in July last year and I still got mine. Donโ€™t know how recent of a change this is but kind of shitty if you ask me, especially since theyโ€™re saving money on packaging and we get the same product.


Dust-by-Monday t1_jdkdtfh wrote

They sound 90% the same. 660s is technically better, but both of their tones are very similar. Iโ€™d say the 6XX is better sounding tone wise, but the 660s does everything else better.


TheMisterSirs t1_jdkezp0 wrote

Itโ€™s really awesome, leave the price the same and provide less, seems fair.


Marmalade3616 t1_jdkmc6b wrote

I got mine this March and it also didnโ€™t come with fancy box.


Ticonderogue t1_jdkox5c wrote

Lacquer the cardboard box several coats, and line it with black velvet. Maybe add a strap.


Bazirker t1_jdkvzgs wrote

Nope, but they do cost more now! Enjoy though, they still sound great


Jadejr14 t1_jdl76oz wrote

I got all of the nice boxes from the 600 series Iโ€™m honestly suprised they donโ€™t use em anymore


Masungit t1_jdlsvwt wrote

The HD800 used to come in a nice box with silk padding inside. Not anymore with the HD800S.


Smoker1965 t1_jdm5cel wrote

I just got a March 2023 shipment of the HD 6xx and it did not come with anything other than an attached cable and was shipped in a box as shown above.

The sound is amazing for what I paid for them. Do I have to order a storage case for them? Yep. But I can get one on Amazon for 20.00 which is fine.

I also picked up the 660s over the holidays and it did come in a hard shell box. Those headphones are simply stunning. I love them.

Being a bit of a headphone "junkie", most of the headphones I get come with a cloth bag at best. My Audeze came in a bulletproof case (well, it feels like it) but those were on the expensive side and I would expect that.

I'm okay with the way most of the headphones come. If I have to pick-up a case, so be it.


So_Say_We_Yall t1_jdmhz9l wrote

I agree wholeheartedly. Meze unboxing is also really nice. The 109 is a wonderful sounding headphone. I don't think it's going to "wow" any muggle into instantly becoming an audiophile, but its really solid. The box and accessories are really top tier imo.


Chickeneyejoe t1_jdmiohp wrote

Yeah from what ive seen it really seems like it! It just makes the overall experience of getting that nice product, especially mabye if its ur first one.

Yeah accessories are a big deal aswell, the stock cable for my elegias made me frown a bit but its easy getting a replacement for a resonable amount so its fine i think.


boboshu t1_jdmsgrb wrote

Get the Klipsch hp3, you won't believe how over packaged it is.


4browntown t1_jdmwn66 wrote

I was just ranting to the wife about the packaging difference from the 6xx and the Meze Noirs from drop. Meze feels like a much more premium opening experience.


Famous_Street_8512 t1_jdn8thl wrote

Any wireless gaming headset options? For Xbox one. Looking to spend no more than like $160. Please help anyone thanks


HauntingProcedure t1_jdrjk5j wrote

Premium packaging drives me fucking nuts. I don't care what the package looks like as long as the product arrives safe, and even more than that it is just something more for me to feel bad about. I don't need it cluttering up my home and recyclability of those packages is usually pretty low.